The Tree Of Happiness In The Technique Of Facing

The Tree Of Happiness In The Technique Of Facing
The Tree Of Happiness In The Technique Of Facing

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Topiary is an original decoration in the form of a tree. Otherwise, it is also called the tree of happiness. It is believed that it brings good luck to the house. Let's make this unusual craft using the facing technique.

The tree of happiness in the technique of facing
The tree of happiness in the technique of facing

It is necessary

  • - corrugated paper;
  • - small flower pot;
  • - bamboo skewers - 4 pcs;
  • - thermal gun;
  • - hot melt glue;
  • - artificial moss;
  • - plastic Christmas tree ball;
  • - scissors;
  • - rod from the handle;
  • - alabaster;
  • - PVA glue;
  • - green acrylic paint;
  • - brown acrylic paint.


Step 1

So, first you need to make a trunk for the future tree of happiness. We will create it from bamboo skewers. We take a thermal gun, apply glue to the skewers with it and glue them together.

Step 2

Then the resulting trunk must be inserted into a Christmas tree plastic ball. To do this, grease the skewers with glue, and then, respectively, insert them into the toy. All this should be done with a heat gun. By the way, the sharp ends of the skewers should be inside the ball. Glue everything neatly and very carefully.

Step 3

Now it's up to the alabaster. Otherwise, it is called stucco. We dilute a small amount of this substance in water to a thick sour cream. We put the resulting mixture in a small flower pot, but not to the very edge. Remember to hide the alabaster under the moss. Therefore, a place must be left for him. We insert our blank for the tree of happiness there. Try to set it exactly in the middle. Let the plaster dry.

Step 4

If the Christmas ball is not in the tone of the tree, then it needs to be painted with acrylic paint. This is necessary so that when light hits it, it does not glow or reflect. By the way, the trunk should also be painted, but not green, but brown.

Step 5

Now let's move on to the most important thing - wood finishing. Before proceeding with it, you need to cut the squares of corrugated paper. You can choose any size, of course, but the most optimal is 2x2 centimeters.

Let's start trimming. In fact, this is a very simple technique. And everyone will understand it. We take the rod from the pen, place it in the center of the paper square and begin to twist the paper around it. Then we dip it in PVA glue right on the rod, and then glue it to the ball. We do this with all the squares. It is best to glue from the bottom up, and very tightly to each other, so that there are no unnecessary gaps left.

Step 6

After the pasting is completed, we proceed to decorate the tree of happiness. We spread the artificial moss in a pot and decorate the crown with beads. Our topiary is ready!