How To Sculpt From Snow

How To Sculpt From Snow
How To Sculpt From Snow

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Winter is a time of year for many interesting fun. Snow is the main building material in winter. You can make anything from it, it's just a matter of practice. The most popular snow figure in winter is the snowman. We will deal with it today, we will figure out how to make a snowman out of snow. Follow our step by step instructions.

How to sculpt from snow
How to sculpt from snow


Step 1

Take a handful of snow and start crushing it in your hands. Shape the snow until you have a lump in your hands that will not crumble. Add snow gradually. When the lump is the size of a small watermelon, it can be built up by rolling in the snow. The lump will collect more and more snow and become more voluminous. Usually the first lump is the base of the snowman, it is made the largest. The rest of the body gradually decreases towards the head. Blind as many lumps as you need.

Step 2

Place the balls on top of each other. Make sure that the balls do not sleep on top of each other. To do this, take a handful of snow and seal the seams between the lumps.

Step 3

Attach arms and legs to your handsome snowman or snow woman. Legs can be made from small lumps. Blind lumps and place them in place of the feet. To make the handles, you also need to roll up two round lumps and attach them just below the neck. Then sticks from the tree should be inserted into these lumps. You can choose any direction for the hands: up, to the sides, down. But do not stick the sticks deep into the snowman's body, otherwise the cobbled lump may fall apart.

Step 4

Start decorating your snowman. Anything that you can take out of the house or find on the street is suitable for this. A carrot is ideal for a snowman's nose, but if for some reason it is not at hand, you can also use a spruce cone, such a nose will be no worse. Buttons, coins, rowan berries and even pebbles are suitable for the eyes. The mouth can be laid out from seeds. Press the seeds into the snow in a smile shape.

Step 5

Put a bucket on the snowman's head, it will be his hat. If there is no bucket, attach a spruce branch or tree branches to the head - make the snowman a hairstyle. If you have a snow woman, tie a scarf around her head.

Step 6

Paint your snowman if you can. You can paint his face and clothes. Tie a scarf around the snowman's neck.

Step 7

Give your snowman a broomstick. You can make it yourself with a stick and twigs. The snowman is ready! He will delight all passers-by with his appearance, and give them the warmth of his smile.
