Mastic allows you to make cake decorations on any topic. It is easy to cut flower petals out of it and create a sweet bouquet. Kids will be delighted with colorful animals, a fabulous glade. Mastic will also help to recreate such a colorful picture on the cake.

It is necessary
- - 450-500 g of icing sugar;
- - 1 teaspoon of gelatin;
- - 50 g of cold water;
- - 0.5-1 teaspoon of lemon juice;
Step 1
Prepare a sweet mass. You can make it yourself or use Marshmallow Chewable Marshmallows. Place it in a deep bowl and microwave it for 5-7 minutes. Turn on the power to full. When the candy has melted, take it out, cool it down and start creating.
Step 2
Usually chewing marshmallows are white, pink in color. If you want to mold figures of other shades from mastic, then cook it completely yourself and add food coloring to make the mass of the desired colors.
Step 3
Soak gelatin in 50 grams of cold boiled water for 25 minutes. Sift the icing sugar into a tall container. Melt the gelatin in a water bath. Pour it hot into the powder, add lemon juice and start stirring with a spoon. When this becomes difficult, place it on a work surface sprinkled with powdered sugar. Continue kneading until the mass is uniform and plastic.
Step 4
Put it in a plastic bag to keep it dry. Take one portion, add a few drops of scarlet dye to it, knead and start sculpting rose petals from mastic.
Step 5
Pre-roll the white mastic with a rolling pin into a layer 0.5 cm thick. Put it on the cake, level it with your hand, cut off the excess with a knife. Roses look very beautiful on a white surface.
Step 6
Roll out the mastic as in the previous case. Place a stencil of petals on it and cut out the blanks. If there is no ready-made stencil, then make it yourself from cardboard or take oval or round cookie cutters.
Step 7
Wind 3 petals around the pencil so that the bud is narrow on one side. On the other hand, there is its blossoming part. Pin the flowers to the cake and let the mastic dry for 24 hours.
Step 8
You can attach the roses you just made to wooden skewers, wrap the stems with green mastic ribbons, and place the sweet flowers in a vase.
Step 9
For children, mold animal figures from mastic. Start with a hare. Add 2-3 drops of brown dye to a fist-sized piece of mastic, stir the mixture. Take a small piece, blind the head of the animal. It is oval. Attach long ears to it. Make the oval a little larger, blind its upper part with the oblique chin. The body and head are ready.
Step 10
Place your body on flat feet that resemble flippers. Roll up 2 sausages. These are the front legs of the animal. From white mastic, make the base of the eye, the central part of the muzzle with the mouth. Make a spout out of pink. From the dark - the pupils and eyebrows.
Step 11
Make grass, Christmas trees from green mastic and decorate the white surface of the cake with them. From red, yellow, mold flower buds, strawberries. Place the bunny in the center, and the cake for the baby is ready.