How To Make A Decoration From Mastic

How To Make A Decoration From Mastic
How To Make A Decoration From Mastic

Table of contents:


What's a cake to go without decorations? One of the options for decorating a birthday cake is mastic decoration. Mastic is an edible decoration made from sugar, gelatin, milk, and other foods. In some stores, you can buy ready-made mastic. You can also order it from the pastry chef and take care of its composition by informing the unwanted components of the decoration. However, it is very interesting, when preparing a cake, to make mastic for decorating it ourselves, especially since it does not take much time and effort.

How to make a decoration from mastic
How to make a decoration from mastic

It is necessary

  • - milk;
  • - sugar;
  • - condensed milk;
  • - icing sugar;
  • - polyethylene film;
  • - gelatin;
  • - food colorings;
  • - confectionery spatula;
  • - candy marshmallows.


Step 1

For self-production of mastic, there are several options - this is mastic from milk or gelatin, or from marshmallows. Milk paste is the easiest to make. Mix the same amount of milk and sugar in a bowl, then add condensed milk to the mass, all in one-to-one proportions. Achieve a viscous plasticine-like consistency.

Step 2

Then give the resulting mass the necessary shape - that is, simply mold the desired decorations from it (flowers, houses, etc.). If the mass sticks to your fingers, add powdered sugar. If it hardens too quickly, you need to wrap it in plastic wrap.

Step 3

Gelatinous mastic is a little more difficult to prepare. Soak gelatin for forty to sixty minutes in a little water, then heat in a water bath and cool.

Step 4

Add icing sugar to liquid cooled gelatin, doing this gradually and stirring the mass with a spatula. After kneading, make the decorations you want and let the mixture harden. Both mastics can be tinted with food coloring to make cake decorations even more festive. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the presence of allergies in people who will use such jewelry, it is better to ask your guests about such troubles in advance. It is also not advisable for children to consume foods containing a lot of dyes. Such mastic jewelry can be stored if allowed to dry properly.

Step 5

Another rather interesting option for making mastic is from marshmallows. These are candies, similar in consistency to marshmallows, but more fluffy. To prepare such mastic, sweets should be slightly heated over low heat and, when they become elastic, sculpt decorations with spatulas, not forgetting to add powdered sugar so that the mastic does not stick strongly to the table, fingers and spatulas. Ready cooled figurines decorate the cake.
