How To Make A Snowflake Decoration For A Christmas Tree

How To Make A Snowflake Decoration For A Christmas Tree
How To Make A Snowflake Decoration For A Christmas Tree

Table of contents:


We make a simple Christmas tree decoration with our own hands, which will delight on New Year's holidays and give a few dozen pleasant minutes spent in a joint creative activity.

How to make a snowflake decoration for a Christmas tree
How to make a snowflake decoration for a Christmas tree

It is necessary

  • - Toilet paper roll;
  • - scissors;
  • - glue gun;
  • - PVA glue and glue brush;
  • - sequins.


Step 1

Let's divide the toilet paper roll into equal parts with a width of about 5-8 mm. Let's take the roll in such a way that it resembles in profile the shape of a boat or a flower petal. We cut the roll into flattened rings with scissors.

We mark the roll
We mark the roll

Step 2

Using a glue gun, connect the rings in such a way that you get the shape of a snowflake. The rings need to be glued together in pairs, sequentially one after another, attaching new petals to the snowflake. Usually it takes 7-8 rings to give this shape.

Glue the base of the decoration
Glue the base of the decoration

Step 3

Now take more rings, bend them in half and insert a second circle between the large petals of the resulting snowflake. This will give the figure a more delicate look. You can repeat the operation a third time by inserting another row of "petals" on top of the previous one.

Complicating the decoration
Complicating the decoration

Step 4

Now, using a brush, on one side, you need to spread the snowflake with PVA glue.

Spread with glue
Spread with glue

Step 5

Finally, you can dip the glitter onto the snowflake so that it sticks to the sticky side. Any that you have will do. Now you just need to wait for the star to dry - and you can hang it on the tree!
