Embroidery is an ancient art, known since ancient times, and still does not lose its relevance and popularity among the female population. With the help of embroidery, you can create both independent paintings and decorate clothes, interior items, furniture, towels, tablecloths, and much more. Floral motifs have been known in embroidery for a long time, and by learning to embroider flowers in various ways, you will open up a lot of scope for creativity.

Step 1
For embroidery, you will need a thick fabric or canvas stretched over the hoop, an embroidery needle and colored floss threads.
Step 2
You can embroider flowers with a variety of stitches - "forward needle", "backward needle", chain stitch, buttonhole stitch, old rococo stitch wound on a needle, goat stitch, knotted stitches, intertwined stitches, French knots, coral stitch, thread in attach, and many others. Such seams can be used not only for embroidering the flowers themselves, but also for embroidering leaves and stems.
Step 3
The simplest seam is the forward seam. To embroider a flower or leaf with this stitch, insert the needle and thread into the fabric from right to left, piercing the fabric so that the seam is dashed. So that the line is not dotted, but solid, reaching the end of the dotted line, repeat the seam in the opposite direction, closing the gaps. It is convenient to trace the outline of flowers in embroidery with such a seam.
Step 4
The back stitch is similar to the forward needle stitch with the only difference that the needle always pierces the fabric behind the thread, leaving two stitches forward.
Step 5
A flower made with a cross stitch "goat" can turn out to be original and bright. To sew this seam, insert the needle from the bottom up and pass it from left to right, sewing cross stitches on the right side.
Step 6
The wrong side should have parallel dashed stitches. You can vary this cross stitch depending on what you are using it for - this stitch can be made with different colors of threads, and it can also be double or triple by combining matching colors. If you slide the goat stitches close together, you get a pigtail stitch.
Step 7
A popular stitch for plant embroidery is the stem stitch. Identical uniform stitches fit tightly next to each other from left to right. The stem stitch is well suited for embroidering stems and flower outlines.
Step 8
Also for these purposes, a "chain" seam, also called a chain stitch, is suitable. On the seamy side, such a seam looks like a row of large stitches, and on the front side, it looks like a chain of air loops connected to each other. You can also isolate the buttonholes from each other by attaching them with a separate stitch to the fabric.
Step 9
Very often, satin stitch is used for embroidery of flowers - an old embroidery technique. In combination with other seams, the surface looks beautiful and expressive. To embroider a flower in satin stitch, first draw on the fabric with outlines that you fill in with dense stitches - vertical, horizontal or oblique. You can embroider the contours with a stalk stitch or a needle-forward stitch.
Step 10
An unusual decoration of any flower will be a "Rococo" seam, for which you need to bring the thread to the right side of the fabric and make a "back to the needle" stitch. Thread a few turns of the desired thread onto the tip of the needle, and then pull the needle and thread through the fabric while holding the winding with your finger. Secure the bobbin to the fabric by piercing the fabric next to the first piercing and pulling the needle out.