Some dream books, most likely, will say that the fish is dreaming of illness, and even more so. But nothing of the kind! The fish dreams of new, interesting events that will happen in your life.

What does the dreaming fish portend
It is known that the larger the fish that you saw in a dream, the more interesting and exciting the event that it portends will be. In order to find out the details of the future as accurately as possible, you need to remember the details of the dream.
A large and old fish caught with a fishing rod suggests that people who are much older than you, possibly more wealthy, will influence your fate. It is with them that the upcoming event will be associated.
Some kind of movement awaits you, most likely related to work: a promotion, a business trip, or even a change of place of work.
If the fish was alive in a dream, it is likely that the upcoming event will give news of itself in advance - about a month before its execution, you will hear rumors and rumors, which will give you the opportunity to prepare in advance.
A dreaming dead fish will leave the future a secret. Whatever you think and assume, everything will turn out to be wrong.
The only thing that can be said with certainty is that you will be happy with the changes.
A few more interpretations of the fish dream
Remember the color of the fish's scales? This can also say a lot. So, if the fish's scales were golden, shimmery in the sun, the event is expected from the heart! On your way there will be a person who will be older than you. It is with him that bright, happy emotions will be associated, most likely, this will be your true love.
If the fish's scales were silver, your family will intervene in your fate. It may also be distant relatives, which until today you did not even suspect. You may need to travel to a new place for you, in connection with caring for an elderly relative, which at first may even cause negative emotions and protest. Do not worry. It will do you good.
Your fish may have even been covered in green "moss" (this is a sign that it was old). This means that fate is preparing a pleasant surprise for you! Green is the color of luck and money, and your event will be closely associated with them.
Well, and if in a dream you grabbed the fish with your hands, then we can confidently say that what you have been striving for for a very long time, what has occupied your thoughts for a very long time, what seemed unrealizable for so long, awaits you.
The emotions that you experienced in your dream are also very important. Overwhelmed with a feeling of joy and delight? There will be no obstacles. And vice versa, if you experienced a feeling of disgust, disgust, you may encounter obstacles on your way, but you should not worry, since your event will surely happen.