January is a difficult month for fishermen, as fish bites are significantly reduced compared to December. The lack of biting is associated with a sharp change in air temperature, a change in atmospheric pressure and the appearance of strong northerly winds.

Fish mainly live in large bodies of water or flowing rivers where there is sufficient oxygen. In rivers where there are non-freezing areas of water, fish choose places for stopping in order to find food.
The most favorable weather condition for fishing is a thaw with a temperature of -10 ° C.
This month the method of ice fishing is used. Fishermen drill holes and fish with small winter fishing rods.
At the beginning of the month there is a good biting of burbot. By the end of January, the biting decreases, as it goes to spawn.
Pike is caught with large spoons or fry.
Sometimes in the morning in January, pike perch can be caught in holes with snags. It is usually found in reservoirs at a depth of 5-7 m.
Fishing rods with floats catch roach, bream, ruff, gudgeon, while complementary foods are always used.
On some rivers with a middle course, chub is caught on pieces of lard.
Perch is caught at dawn or dusk with a small spoon.