Zodiac signs have their own unique characteristics and facets of character, not all of which are positive. For example, there are four nominees for the title of "most insidious sign of the zodiac."

It is important to understand the nature of the insidiousness of different signs
For a very long time, astrologers have been trying to resolve this issue. Over the years of observation and practice, they managed to identify four of the most insidious signs. These are Scorpio, Gemini, Aquarius and Capricorn. Each of these signs has a special, its own type of deceit, which is why it is so difficult to unequivocally answer which of them this property is more inherent in.
Gemini is considered by many astrologers to be the most insidious. It's all about the dual nature of this zodiac sign. The inability to compromise, innate cunning and duplicity, manifested in stressful situations, speak of the undoubted insidiousness of this zodiac sign. And given the fact that Gemini is ready to go to anything, just not to admit their mistakes, communication with them can be quite difficult.
Scorpios by their name alone evoke an association with deceit. This zodiac sign is characterized by ruthlessness, unprincipledness, the ability to go ahead. Scorpios evoke either love or hate in most people. And for good reason: people born under this sign are very dangerous and insidious.
Many astrologers consider Pisces to be the least insidious. These creatures are simply not up to the cunning and complex plans of revenge on the world, since they are usually fixated on completely different things.
Capricorns have repeatedly topped the list of the most insidious signs in the history of astrology. The psychological characteristics of this zodiac sign are such that obstacles and trials do not change his attitude towards the world, cannot force him to betray his friends or go over his head. But it is worth bringing the typical Capricorn to the maximum level of irritation, and his vindictiveness and deceit appear as if from emptiness. In this state, Capricorns can cause a lot of trouble to people, spending a huge amount of time on a refined and very unpleasant revenge. Fortunately, Capricorns take a long time to boil, so their vindictiveness and deceit are rarely released.
Aries, who are pushing ahead, also rarely topped the list of the most insidious signs. It is easier for these people to directly sort out the relationship, even if it can lead to a fight or scandal.
Reluctantly insidious Aquarius
In recent years, many astrologers have considered the most insidious sign of Aquarius. Previously, he has not topped such lists, but modern research and observations made experts change their minds. The cunning of Aquarius comes from his intolerance and self-flagellation, which spill out on those around, innocent people. This happens in moments of tension or, on the contrary, frustration, and in the usual state, cunning is absolutely unusual for Aquarius. If the deceit of Capricorn is deliberate and balanced, the deceit of Aquarius is spontaneous and terribly unpleasant, because at such moments he cannot control himself. After such outbursts, Aquarius leaves for another round of self-flagellation and self-accusation, which ultimately results in another outbreak of deceit and anger.