It is impossible to imagine a love relationship without flirting and physical attraction. One of the important qualities that partners appreciate in each other is sexual temperament. What are the most temperamental women according to their zodiac sign? Astrologers identify the top 5 signs whose sexual appetite can only be envied.

Gemini is on the fifth place of the most temperamental women according to the sign of the zodiac. Sex for Gemini women is primarily of intellectual value; they consider the sexual act itself as an opportunity to apply their accumulated experience and learn something new.
Sex for Gemini women is freedom of expression. They undress without hesitation and love their bodies. They attach great importance to technology in sex, improve it to the ideal in order to please and conquer the chosen one.
The fourth place in terms of sexual temperament among women is honorably held by Leo. Lionesses are generous with affection and give themselves up to sexual pleasures entirely. The only thing they won't tolerate about sex is self-neglect.
Leo women need recognition of her sexual merit, constant tactile contact and partner endurance. If you crave quick sex, for example, in the car, do not choose the Lioness as your sexual partner. Leos love it when sexual pleasures last for a long time, and the atmosphere itself is conducive to sex.
The three leaders among temperamental women are opened by the Aries woman. Sometimes they can hide how much they love sexual pleasure, because they are afraid to seem superficial. Aries women love sex to the point of oblivion. The latent desire to dominate a man is realized in bed.
Aries woman prefers not to wait to be satisfied. She will do everything herself. In sex, Aries burns to the ground, torturing a partner with the sweetest tortures in order to reach the peak of pleasure together.
The second place belongs to the playful and temperamental women of the Sagittarius sign. Sex for them is an exciting adventure, a game in which you can and should change the rules. An important part for Sagittarius in sex is intrigue. This may be not completely removed clothes, a mesmerizing striptease, a dinner on the naked body of a partner, or a long foreplay with sexy toys.
In sex, Sagittarius women love with their ears, and the more hot words you whisper to her, the more the fire of her desire will light up. Don't distance yourself from Sagittarius after intercourse. At this time, they need support more than anyone else.
And finally, Scorpio is considered the most temperamental woman according to the sign of the zodiac - the first deserved place belongs to them. Scorpios look closely at their partner for a long time, are demanding in their choice, but on the other hand, as soon as they lure the victim into their chambers, they will not let her go until they caress her to the point of exhaustion.
Scorpio women are resourceful and hardy in sex. They will give you refined caresses and allow you to love your body, but you will not reach their minds. And this combination of incredible temperament and cold reason intoxicates and captivates men who are lucky enough to have a Scorpio woman in their partners.