How To Get Rid Of A Person By Their Zodiac Sign

How To Get Rid Of A Person By Their Zodiac Sign
How To Get Rid Of A Person By Their Zodiac Sign

If someone "got you", neither hints, nor direct statements help to get rid of the annoying one, try to behave in such a way that your persona becomes a burden to him. Astrology will help you find out exactly how not to please this or that individual.

Knowledge of astrology will help you understand what to do to dislike a person
Knowledge of astrology will help you understand what to do to dislike a person

Aries. This is the most energetic zodiac sign. If you do not want to see a representative of this sign next to you, stop, he will run forward. Be sad, lie in bed with depression, the Aries will not stand it for a long time and disappear.

Calf. It will take a long time to get rid of the calves, tk. they are very patient. The safest way, perhaps, is pointless to spend the money he earned.

Twins. It is rare for anyone to get rid of them, because usually representatives of this sign are busy with several things at once and themselves constantly disappear somewhere. But if you still need to push the twins away, bore them, annoy and reproach them for everything.

Cancer. Very vulnerable and touchy people. It is worth offending cancer, for example, not congratulating him on his birthday, this will push him away, if not forever, then for a long time.

A lion. Typical lions usually have high self-esteem, if you criticize him, he will become your enemy. Those born under this sign are bright personalities, if you show yourself to be a simple and modest person, they will lose interest in you.

Virgo. Disappoint the virgin, and she will erase you from her memory for life.

Libra. It is almost impossible to get rid of the representatives of this sign, because if they need you for some reason, they will withstand a lot. It will be easier for you to disappear yourself.

Scorpio. Their life is an eternal struggle. Show weak character, lack of your own opinion, or vice versa, try to convince him that he is a weakling. Both scorpions are annoying, he will try to make you disappear from his field of vision.

Sagittarius. To get rid of archers, fill them with routine everyday problems.

Capricorn. Does not tolerate ridicule. Play a trick on him, be irresponsible, this will alienate the Capricorn.

Aquarius. These are the most freedom-loving people. Try to restrict their freedom and you won't see them again.

Fish. Representatives of this zodiac sign are very sensitive. Show yourself soulless and cruel and the fish will flee.
