People born under the same zodiac sign have many similar traits and behaviors. Some signs are distinguished by vulnerability, courage, amorousness, but there is also one that stands out for its ardent disposition and intolerable behavior.

Emotionality and only
Many may think that Scorpios have a tendency to extreme reactions, public display of negativity or a certain quarrelsomeness, since in fact they are stinging, insidious, vindictive. This statement is partly true, but Scorpios are very reasonable and always know exactly when and in what situation they can give vent to emotions, and when they should restrain themselves.
Emotional and hot-tempered Lions also cannot be called bitchy, they react to external manifestations of the stimulus and nothing more. Internal conflicts are of little interest to them, and therefore they quickly cool down and return to good friendly relations.
Virgo is a bitch
The horoscope says - and this is surprising to many - that the really bitchy zodiac sign is Virgo (and women). The earthly element of Virgo makes them people quite down to earth, but their deep and contradictory nature complicates the life of the people around them.
Virgos are critical and meticulous about every detail.
With the help of his attentiveness, he perfectly remembers the details of conversations, and then he can very sarcastically and sarcastically make a remark to the interlocutor.
Virgos do not tolerate criticism, as they consider themselves highly intelligent natures. In all spheres of life, a person born under this sign will try to achieve perfection, will take on great responsibility, since the systematic approach to achieving certain results from this sign is overstated as much as possible.
Bitchy world explorer
In fact, with the help of their sober nature, Virgos are trying to study the people around them, remove their shortcomings with the help of critical remarks. Virgos are pedantic, sometimes even too much, do not tolerate disorder and chaos, they show their criticism even to themselves.
From a medical point of view, Virgos more often than other signs of the zodiac suffer from nervous breakdowns, overexertions, due to the fact that they cannot relax, as they constantly focus their attention on little things. Most Virgos are quite calm and calculating, their mind is the most important thing for them, and they pay little attention to their feelings.
If you think about it, then every sign of the zodiac has a note of bitchiness, but in some this trait is more pronounced, while in others it is weakly manifested.
In many lists of bitchy signs, in addition to Virgo, Scorpio, Gemini, Aries and Cancer are often mentioned.
But it is one hundred percent impossible to determine by the sign of the zodiac what a person is. There are many inconsistencies in the description of the characteristics of a sign in relation to a particular person. Often such non-coincidences are explained by the fact that a person was born on days when one sign of the zodiac spilled over into another, and therefore contradictory features and unique features appear.