Marriage is difficult. Sometimes men are tempted to take sides. And what about women, are they ready to spin an affair on the side? We turned to an astrologer for advice and in response received a rating of the most loyal wives according to the sign of the zodiac. Look, but remember: stars can be wrong too!

12th place. Aries
Aries women often have romances just for the sake of interest. They almost always want to get to know the man they like. And they somehow do not care what the husband says to it. They will be able to remain faithful to him for the sake of the children. Awesome Moms!
11th place. Sagittarius
The Sagittarius woman will be faithful to her husband only in one case: if she truly loves him. Otherwise, it is useless to keep it: it will either change it, or immediately leave.
10th place. Fish
Of course, the family always comes first for Pisces. But this does not mean that they will be able to be faithful to their own husband all their lives. If he falls in love with someone else, and he will call her, without hesitation, he will follow his beloved even to the ends of the world.

9th place. Libra
Libra women attract men like a magnet and restrain their violent impulses until they fall at their feet. Therefore, their personal life is very stormy, and in life there are at least 2-3 marriages.
8th place. Scorpio
The Scorpio woman is first looking for a true chosen one, and then she already starts a family with him. She can never admit that she chose the wrong man. Therefore, he will not change and leave.
7th place. Capricorn
Capricorn wives will never cheat on their husband, if only because they do not see any point in this. Efforts have been made, the chosen one has been found, the wedding has taken place, what else is needed ?!

6th place. Aquarius
Aquarius women are very eccentric and strange, sometimes even for themselves. They can get married 2-3 times. But only after parting with the previous man. They are not at all inclined to cheat on him.
5th place. Cancer
If the husband disappoints the Cancer woman, she will simply take her children by the hand and go far away with them. But stay faithful.
4th place. a lion
If a lioness marries, then only the best, in her opinion, man. And if so, she simply does not see any point in cheating on him.

3. Taurus
Taurus women will never forgive betrayal of their chosen one, and therefore they will not go to her themselves. Moreover, even the suggestion that they might be wrong is offensive to them.
2. Gemini
Yes, a Gemini woman will be able to communicate with other men and, quite possibly, even flirt with them. But they mean nothing to her. She is always faithful to her husband.
1. Virgo
A man who wants to find the most faithful wife according to the sign of the zodiac should choose her among the beautiful Virgos. These ladies are not only the nicest, they are also smart and sexy.