Most men are fickle creatures. They can carry their chosen one in their arms, promise her stars from the sky and shower her with all kinds of compliments, and the next day they begin to stare at another woman. How can you determine the degree of loyalty of a man? A regular horoscope can help with this.

The most faithful signs of the zodiac
Aries in love does not even allow the thought of cheating on his beloved - he will be faithful until his feelings grow cold or the woman ceases to interest him. Since Aries considers cheating beneath his dignity, he will tell about the betrayal himself.
Casanova and Taurus are not chasing the glory - however, they choose their soul mate for quite a long time and do not rush to choose the one and only. But Taurus, who has found a beloved woman, will be faithful to her, since this sign does not like to change and considers his mate to be an essential part of his life.
Virgos are also famous for their constancy, who practically do not risk their dear relationships for a fleeting affair. However, if a Virgo man nevertheless decides to commit adultery, his woman is unlikely to find out about it from him, since Virgos are distinguished by great caution and the ability to keep their mouths shut.
The stars do not always decide which of the zodiac signs is correct and which is not - it so happens that even the most fickle signs are faithful to their love all their lives - and vice versa.
Lions are also considered constant partners, who regard treason as an unworthy occupation. In addition, an affair on the side is perceived by the royal Leo as an admission of his mistake in choosing a life partner.
The most incorrect signs of the zodiac
Gemini can easily cheat on their partner, while not even trying to hide the fact of going to the side from their partner. They do not know how to cheat at all and for betrayal they can safely choose someone whom their half knows well, since Gemini practically does not have problems with conscience.
The restless Sagittarius are known for their inconstancy, who are constantly tormented by a thirst for romantic adventure. The main reason for their betrayal is the lightness and spontaneity of the Sagittarius character - they do not perceive adultery as something bad.
Women for the wrong signs of the zodiac are, first of all, the peaks that need to be conquered and go home or for new experiences.
Aquarians do not differ in fidelity either - their independence and unpredictability often pushes this sign to rapprochement with another woman. Aquarians need variety, which is why their partners are often very different from each other. If the partner of Aquarius constantly suspects him of treason, even in the absence of such, sooner or later Aquarius will embody these suspicions into reality.