Year 2015: What Nostradamus Said

Year 2015: What Nostradamus Said
Year 2015: What Nostradamus Said

Disputes and skeptical statements both regarding the very personality of Nostradamus and his prophetic predictions arose at all times. And to this day, someone unconditionally accepts the prophecies veiled in quatrains on faith, someone believes that the events that have happened are only artificially drawn to the verses of the great seer. Experts studying the legacy of the French astrologer claim that some of his famous quatrains directly point to events that are destined to happen in the coming 2015. Believing or not believing in these predictions is everyone's personal business. But to find out what the medieval alchemist prophesied for future generations will be of interest to any of us.

Year 2015: what Nostradamus said
Year 2015: what Nostradamus said

Natural disasters

In 2015, as a result of large-scale forest fires, a huge part of the green space will be destroyed. Smoke and pollution of the air mass will reach exorbitant values, celestial bodies will be hidden from human eyes: first the Moon, and then the Sun. In the second half of the year, the all-devouring flame will be replaced by the raging water element. As a result of many weeks of rains, vast areas across Europe will be under water.

Australia and the countries of Oceania will be under the destructive impact of powerful cyclones and tsunamis. A tectonic catastrophe, according to Nostradamus, threatens a kind of "big city", which will be destroyed by the fall of a meteorite or comet, and then washed away from the Earth's surface by water currents. Also in 2015, many hitherto dormant volcanoes will wake up, further exacerbating global air pollution.

World geopolitical situation and interethnic conflicts

The confrontation between the Christian and Muslim communities in the coming year will only intensify - the world may find itself on the verge of new large-scale military actions. The impetus will be the acute mutual conflict between Iran and Turkey. However, they will conclude a peace agreement, the consequence of which will be the creation of a Muslim coalition against countries professing Christianity. China will act as a peacekeeper capable of preventing the start of a global military catastrophe. In many states, trust in their leaders will fall, as a result, lawlessness and chaos of anarchy will become prevailing phenomena, the world will increasingly slide towards anarchist politics. At the same time, the positions of the leaders of the countries of the African continent will begin to strengthen. Their word will be decisive in the settlement of complex world conflicts.

Science and healthcare

The coming 2015 may be a period when it will be possible to find a way to artificially grow vital human organs. Practical surgery will take a huge step forward by obtaining a wide base of necessary materials for transplantation and implantation. At the same time, the intervention of medicine in the natural processes of human genetics can lead to the birth of freaks - two-headed or three-armed individuals.

Scientific thought can swing at the development of the underwater world as an object of economic activity. But no practical steps will be taken in this direction, scientists will have to solve the problem of saving the peoples of underdeveloped African countries from starvation.

Economic strategies

In 2015, scientists will be able to discover a low-cost method of generating electricity. It is likely that solar energy will become its main source. As a result, the economic situation of many world powers will stabilize, and the standard of living of the population will rise. But the financial crisis will still keep European countries in suspense for some time, and the United States will receive a long-awaited respite from economic problems.

What Nostradamus predicted for Russia

Floods and fires will also affect the territory of Russia, but their consequences will be less destructive than in other countries of Europe and the world. In 2015, it is in Russia that the future spiritual world leader should be born. In tens of years, he will be able to unite humanity under the banner of a new religion, ignite people with ideas of good, and direct them to the path of truth. As a result, the physical borders between many countries will be erased, there will be no reasons for wars and interethnic conflicts. But this prediction concerns the distant future, how true it is will have to be decided by our descendants.
