The famous soothsayer Vanga died many years ago, but talk about her talent still does not stop. Many consider her gift to be phenomenal - some of the events she predicted came true in the most incomprehensible way. Wanga's prediction about the end of the world is interesting.

Vanga - Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova is a world famous clairvoyant. She was born in Bulgaria. The soothsayer spoke in detail about many incomprehensible events that happened during her life, and about those that happened after her death. The name Vanga is often associated with predictions about the end of the world.
Wanga's predictions
Among the fortune-tellers of the last century, you cannot find anyone more popular than the Bulgarian clairvoyant. She predicted not only the future of specific people, but also events of global significance. We often hear that the blind soothsayer said a lot of interesting things about the end of the world.
Wanga was extremely rarely mistaken in her predictions about the future, and in cases where discrepancies were fixed, it can be assumed that the words of the soothsayer were simply misinterpreted.
Indeed, many of Wanga's predictions are vague and vague in nature. In important places, where a little specificity would not hurt, the clairvoyant could give vague information, secondary and insignificant details were overloaded with information. From what she reported in the form of vague phrases, hints, it was quite possible to draw erroneous or inaccurate conclusions. Much of what she said became clear only later.
What Wanga said about the end of the world
The soothsayer was especially interested in the theme of the end of the world. Signs of its approach, she considered the occurrence of destructive hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, mass death of bees.
Vanga is often credited with thoughts and sayings that she did not utter, and many researchers of her gift confirm that there are a lot of fables in the stories about Vanga. But according to the testimony of many, she spoke about the end of the world without naming the exact date.
It is safe to say that the soothsayer did not speak of the end of the world as an imminent event. But, according to Vanga, the future of mankind cannot be characterized as rosy: "Both villages and cities will collapse from floods, earthquakes, natural disasters will shake the earth, the day will come when animals and plants will disappear."
According to researchers, contemporaries of Vanga, in talking about the end of the world, she mentioned the year 5079. It is impossible to verify whether this is so - at least with the help of modern methods. In the end, the soothsayer could have her own view of the apocalypse, which does not correspond to the generally accepted one.