Why Is The End Of The World Dreaming?

Why Is The End Of The World Dreaming?
Why Is The End Of The World Dreaming?

The end of the world dreamed of by a person, with all its apparent horror, is not always interpreted by dream books as something bad, unfavorable and entailing negative events that may occur in the very near future.

Why is the end of the world dreaming?
Why is the end of the world dreaming?

Interpretations of love and esoteric dream books

Quite favorably, you can interpret the apocalypse in a dream, in which a girl or a guy break up with their other half due to global events. In the future, such a dream may well entail the transition of relations to a new stage, moreover, up to the wedding.

The esoteric dream book interprets the onset of the end of the world as a long and prosperous relationship between two people in love. And for a businessman, this fact, on the contrary, symbolizes a possible business collapse and subsequent ruin.

The successful ending of the end of the world in a dream, after which people survive, means a way out of the current difficult life situation.

Dream Interpretations of Medea and Hosse

According to Medea's dream book, a dream about the end of the world means some terrible, very disturbing and unfortunate events in a person's real life. Moreover, the apocalypse symbolizes both fear and anxiety of the sleeping person in front of some life situation. But here, too, everything is not so unambiguous, since the collapse of everything around it can entail something new - a qualitatively different phase of life or a white stripe that will replace the black one.

According to Hosse's dream book, a dream about the end of the world means some awkward and stupid events in the life of a person, at whom fate laughs, sending similar dreams to the sleeping person.

The dream book of Simon the Canaanite interprets the apocalypse that came in a man's dream in a similar way.

Dream book by David Loff

This interpretation is more extensive and is based on the religious life and psychology of the dreamer. As a rule, the apocalypse in a dream indicates that life is out of control of a person, which in the future can lead to much more serious losses, as well as complete devastation of the personality.

Such dreams can also be caused by serious events in reality - the divorce of the child's parents, failures at work, in business, or dysfunctional personal relationships. Nevertheless, such a connection with reality is also a harbinger of further events that are associated with the will of a person. Either the course of life will be taken under control, in the future having received a favorable permission, or, on the contrary, it will be left to chance, which can lead to serious and terrible consequences.

If you had such a dream, then David Loff advises first of all to ask important questions - "What is wrong in my life?" and "How to deal with this?" Only after specific decisions and actions can you undo your own life apocalypse and become the master of your own destiny.
