Should We Wait For The End Of The World

Should We Wait For The End Of The World
Should We Wait For The End Of The World

Talk about the coming end of the world does not subside. Despite the fact that people have already experienced many dates declared "the end of the world", the appearance of each new date arouses great interest and numerous controversies.

Should we wait for the end of the world
Should we wait for the end of the world

There have been many periods in history when talk about the end of the world was most active. The expectation of the end was felt most clearly when the turning points in history took place: reforms, revolutions, wars, and so on. These sentiments could manifest themselves both within one country and on a more global scale.

What makes people expect the end of the world

According to the assurances of scientists, there is no need to fear the end of the world for about 5 billion years. However, with the advent of each new version of the apocalypse with a specific date, there are many people who believe that this and only this date is the only correct one. And every next apocalypse that did not take place leaves the question open.

The further, the stronger the apocalyptic sentiments become. So, for example, the most probable period for a global catastrophe is named the nearest in time - this is 2020-2040. Several possible reasons are also named. There is a possibility that at this time technologies will be developed over which humanity can accidentally lose control. Perhaps the case will not end in mass death, but people can degrade or become dependent on an alien mind.

Researchers of global risks consider the likelihood of the end of the world in this time period as 50%.

Another reason is ecology. Previously, only individual enthusiasts talked about how polluted the environment was, but today this refers to much more widely discussed problems. We can also mention the increased level of social tension. Interreligious intransigence does not add confidence in the future, which often provokes wars, and hence a more thorough approach to the development of new generation weapons.

When can we expect the end of the world

There is no mysticism in the topic of the end of the world, but there are real threats to humanity. Let's say the risk of death from an asteroid is not particularly high. But a nuclear catastrophe is quite possible. One of the possible scenarios is based on the use of a large hydrogen bomb, which has a shell made of cobalt-59. This bomb is called the Doomsday Machine. So far there is no evidence that someone has already managed to create this weapon, but theoretically it is possible.

Other possible causes of the end of the world are also called: global warming, a change in the Earth's magnetic poles, volcanic eruptions.

The main risks are considered associated with the development of nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, biological weapons. The possibilities of biological technologies are enormous - they can be manipulated even in minilabs - as they say, “at home”.

Possible doomsday dates include:

2021 - Earth's magnetic poles are expected to change.

2036 - the asteroid Apophis may crash into the Earth.

2060 - Apocalypse calculated by Isaac Newton.

2280 - this date was discovered in the Qur'an by one of its researchers.

3797 - Nostradamus indicated this date in one of his letters.