How To Clean The Energy Of An Apartment

How To Clean The Energy Of An Apartment
How To Clean The Energy Of An Apartment

Table of contents:


Most often, the reason for the accumulation of negative energy in an apartment is regular conflicts and scandals, as well as ill-wishers who have visited it. If you feel uncomfortable in your own home, then first try to eliminate the reasons indicated above, and then start cleaning the energy.

How to clean the energy of an apartment
How to clean the energy of an apartment


Step 1

First of all, do a general cleaning of the apartment. Scattered things and dust have no place in a house with positive energy.

Step 2

Salt tends to absorb negative energy (you can use both sea and table salt). Pour it into all kinds of cups, salt shakers, vases and place them throughout the apartment. Pay special attention to corners, cabinets and shelves. After 2-3 days, collect the salt you placed the day before and flush it down the toilet.

Step 3

Indoor plants are a necessary element of cleaning the apartment from the accumulated negative. They purify the air, lift the mood with their appearance and, therefore, improve the energy in the house. Do not forget to take care of them, as diseased and wilted plants have the opposite property.

Step 4

Also, the source of positive energy is the vessels or vases tapering upward. Create a welcoming atmosphere in your home. The apartment should be filled with love and goodness so that the vases accumulate exactly positive (!) Energy.

Step 5

Pay attention to the walls of your apartment. Remove any negative mood pictures. Get rid of disharmonious images. Replace them with pictures of landscapes and pictures of people you like.

Step 6

Nothing should hang over the bed in the bedroom. It is better to place all kinds of shelves, massive chandeliers and heavy paintings in another place, since these objects interfere with good rest.

Step 7

Organize your closets and shelves. All things should be neatly laid out, get rid of unnecessary things (trash is a source of negative energy). There should be things in your apartment that evoke extremely positive emotions in you.

Step 8

Remember to regularly ventilate your home, and also make sure there are no dark corners in it. Light attracts positive energy.

Step 9

Consecrate the apartment. After the ceremony, periodically fumigate it with incense and / or light a church candle.
