Photos store a piece of the energy of the one who is depicted in them. Sometimes a photograph can tell you the future of a person, and sometimes a photograph can warn of impending danger. Below are the most common signs and superstitions associated with photographs.

The photo fell on its own
If a photograph suddenly falls and the glass breaks on the frame, then the person depicted on it is in serious danger. However, such signs are very rare. The photo should fall by itself, without anyone's help. If a photograph of a married couple or lovers falls, then this may signify an imminent separation or divorce.
There are spots on the photo
If spots appear on the photo, then this may mean health problems in the person who is depicted on it. Here, special attention should be paid to where exactly the spots and darkening appeared.
Photo curled up
This sign means big problems for the person who is depicted on it. Soon he will have to go through a very difficult period in his life.
By the way, the author of the article had a very strange episode in his life associated with this sign. Back in the 90s, my friend's father was killed. He was not yet forty years old. Tragic death over money. His killers were never caught. After the funeral, inexplicable things began to happen to the photographs of the deceased: they all began to fold up. At the funeral, all those present were given a small photo with a black ribbon as a souvenir, and so, the pictures began to fold almost simultaneously right during the funeral dinner, and then the large portrait, which was carried in front of the coffin, also began to shrink. As they later explained to the relatives, this happened because the soul of the deceased does not find rest and wants his killers to be found. In fairness, it should be noted that no major unusual events associated with the death of this person took place. Skeptics will say that the point here is in low-quality photographic paper, but drawing conclusions is a personal matter for each person.
Photo blurred
In general, it is better to get rid of pictures that have deteriorated over time (dimmed, turned yellow, darkened). An unexpected blurred photo is a very bad sign, especially if a photograph of a deceased person or a living person, captured next to someone who is no longer alive, has darkened.
Better not to look directly into the lens
It is easy to spoil a photo or just jinx the person depicted on it, therefore, when taking pictures, it is better not to look directly into the lens. Look away a little. Never forget that photographs contain a piece of the human soul and have a powerful energy.