The word "mantra" comes from the Sanskrit word and means "an instrument for the implementation of a mental act." In Buddhism and Hinduism, a mantra is a sacred hymn that requires precision in reproducing the sounds that make up the mantra.

Step 1
As a rule, the composition of the mantra includes a combination of several words or sounds of the Sanskrit language. Separately, it is noted that each component of the mantra, up to the sound, must have a deep meaning. One of the most famous mantras is the sound "om", while some teachings consider it to consist of three sounds: "a", "u", "m". The origin of the mantras is Hindu Vedic. Then they appeared in Jainism and Buddhism. They often compare mantras with prayers, psalms, and spells.
Step 2
Hinduism teaches that all the words and sounds that a person utters have an effect on the matter of the mind. If words are used by the person who has the knowledge of influencing matter, then they can be organized into "words of power." A person with such knowledge in ancient India was called mantrakara. Translated from Sanskrit, it means "mantra creator." The sacred texts contain a large number of different mantras, the greatest of which is "om". It is not entirely correct to compare a mantra with a prayer, because in the mantra, it is not the meaning that is important, but the sound - its exact reproduction.
Step 3
According to the Hindu faith, the mantra is a tool that has a significant impact on emotions, mind, objects. They are sure that any movement is certainly accompanied by a sound, even if by an inaudible person; accordingly, correctly selected sounds can affect this movement. A person who is able to pick up these sounds becomes the owner of a universal language.
Step 4
Mantras are also used in yoga teaching. They are a means by which one can tune and regulate a person's mind. Different mantras have different effects. When a person utters any sounds, his body resonates with one or another frequency. Through the combination of these sounds, their rhythm and frequency, you can achieve a change in consciousness.