Why You Can't Take Anything From The Cemetery

Why You Can't Take Anything From The Cemetery
Why You Can't Take Anything From The Cemetery

You can't bring anything home from the cemetery. This is no longer even a sign or some kind of superstition - it is simply ugly to do so. How many terrible stories have already been told about how things taken from graves subsequently bring misfortune to the one who becomes their owner, but some people still continue to bring their favorite souvenirs, flowers from the cemeteries and even manage to pick some fruits from trees growing at the churchyards.

Why you can't take anything from the cemetery
Why you can't take anything from the cemetery

Dead energy

Cemeteries are simply saturated with negative (dead) energy. People come here not with joyful emotions. There is only pain, pity, hopelessness and consuming grief. Of course, the energy of these feelings is everywhere in the cemeteries.

Any thing, be it flowers or a souvenir, has a hidden meaning here and necessarily means something. When grieving relatives decorate the grave with various trinkets, they put a piece of their soul into it, and deceased relatives perceive this gift as a kind of offering, a manifestation of respect.


If we completely discard mysticism, then taking something from the graves, a person makes it unpleasant first of all to living people, relatives and friends of the deceased, who once again, having come to the grave, will not find the things they brought.

Cemeteries traditionally give people mixed feelings. Some of them are afraid of them in panic, someone, on the contrary, considers them a place of endless peace and serenity, preferring to stroll along the cemetery alleys alone. However, it is always worth showing proper respect for cemeteries. Games, drinking alcoholic beverages and photo sessions in cemeteries will not lead to any good. Sooner or later, there will be reckoning.

What is necromagy


There is one most powerful branch of magic that some magicians and sorcerers practice - necromagic. Here, in all rituals, a cemetery is certainly involved; with the help of dead energy, necromages induce or save people from damage, make terrible love spells.

A powerful energy is concentrated in cemeteries, which necromages know how to use. With the help of special rituals, a clot of dead energy is created, which is able to absorb all living things.

By bringing something from the cemetery, a person unknowingly can initiate the absorption process or transfer energy. The consequences can be very sad. The aura of a living person becomes vulnerable. Dead energy, like a cancerous tumor, eats up the energy of life. A person begins to fade right before our eyes and this process, then it is very difficult to stop.

What people carry from cemeteries

Sometimes you are simply amazed at the boundless imagination and irrepressible enterprise of some characters, who are ready to take the most extreme measures for the sake of profit, without even thinking about the consequences.

Enterprising old women collect flowers from graves for sale. They can even bring "rejuvenating" apples from the churchyard, especially if they live somewhere nearby.

The fashion to leave small souvenirs on the graves came to Russia from Europe. Angels, lamps, beads, various trinkets, multi-colored stones give the grave a touching look. Many people began to decorate the burial places of their loved ones in this way. However, there are comrades who shamelessly take these things. Children are especially attracted to these graves. Of course, the parents are somewhere nearby, but for some reason they allow their children to take jewelry with them, without bothering to explain all the danger and blasphemy of this act.