Why You Can't Take Pictures Of Sleeping People: Myths And Superstitions

Why You Can't Take Pictures Of Sleeping People: Myths And Superstitions
Why You Can't Take Pictures Of Sleeping People: Myths And Superstitions

Spaceships and man-made satellites have long been plowing the vastness of near-earth space. A person can communicate with his interlocutor located anywhere in the world in real time. The best academic minds are already half a step away from creating artificial intelligence, but human essence is arranged in such a way that not a single contemporary of ours can give up belief in prejudices and other superstitions. Or maybe this is not superstition at all? Why not take pictures of sleeping people? Let's try to figure it out.

why you can't photograph a person asleep
why you can't photograph a person asleep

Why you can't photograph a person asleep: popular versions

Our ancestors believed that the soul of a sleeping person leaves the boundaries of the mortal body, setting off to wander. Therefore, during sleep, the body is devoid of protection and is subject to attacks of evil spirits. The sleeping person was not transferred from one place to another or even turned over within the same bed. It was believed that as a result of moving the body, the returning soul may not find it. As a consequence, death. It was strictly forbidden to draw sleeping people, since such actions took away strength, provoked the onset of diseases or led to death.

Mystics believe that a photograph stores a huge amount of information about the person depicted on it. Sorcerers and witches can read this information and use it to send evil spells or evil eye to the person depicted in the photo. Considering that a person who is in a dream is in an exhausted state, damage or the evil eye will affect him much more strongly. It is also worth noting that in order to perform unkind magic rituals, dark magicians do not need to have a picture of a person on photographic paper; for the evil eye, they can use a photo in electronic form.

In addition to mystical answers to the question "why shouldn't you take pictures of sleeping people?" there are very real explanations. First of all, it should be noted that a bright flash or the click of the camera shutter can greatly frighten a sleeping person. Therefore, the photographer runs the risk of hearing in his address a multi-storey tirade of not quite affectionate words. As a result of fright, children may experience disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system and develop phobias.

And finally, the most understandable answer to the question posed, which can satisfy both those who believe in mysticism and those who deny its existence: a sleeping person should not be photographed because he will look absolutely unattractive in the photograph. This is due to the fact that during sleep, all muscle groups of the body are relaxed, and the position of the body can be the most unpredictable.
