Why You Can't Take Pictures Of Sleeping People

Why You Can't Take Pictures Of Sleeping People
Why You Can't Take Pictures Of Sleeping People

Previously, cameras were not as common as they are now, so signs and superstitions about photographing have appeared quite recently. One of the questions many people ask is, "Why can't you take pictures of sleeping people?"

Why you can't take pictures of sleeping people
Why you can't take pictures of sleeping people

Explanation one

It is believed that during photographing, not only the image of a person, but also his soul is captured on a photograph. According to legends, during sleep, the soul leaves the body of a person and a photo of sleeping people is a rather strong weapon in the hands of ill-wishers against the person on the card.

Photography is a powerful source of energy for a particular person, and if this energy is directed in the wrong direction, then various troubles in the form of diseases, accidents, and other things, up to and including a fatal accident, are inevitable.

It is worth noting that this is just a belief that has no evidence.

Explanation two

A sleeping person is like a dead person: this is due to closed eyes, as well as a relaxed face and body.

In the 19th century in Europe, there was a tradition of photographing dead relatives as a souvenir. They were dressed in beautiful outfits, given the necessary poses and photographed (often with living family members). This happened because it was much easier to photograph the dead, since the process took a very long time and it was necessary to sit in one position for a long time.

This tradition was adopted by the Russians, but this case was popular only among people whose children died. Parents were very worried and wanted to keep as many memorable photos as possible for the rest of their lives.

In general, photographing sleeping people is really undesirable, because a person is resting, he is defenseless, he has absolutely no control over his facial expression and posture. In addition, there is a chance to wake up the sleeping person, for example, with the flash of the camera, which can be quite frightening.