When you buy a new thing, you want it to have its original appearance as long as possible. But it is very rare to keep it in good condition: it gets dirty quickly, loses its appearance after washing. It is especially difficult to care for leather goods. This material cannot be washed, it remains only to give it to the dry-cleaner, so that they do everything possible and try to return the beloved thing to a well-groomed look. But not heavily contaminated skin can be cleaned at home.

Step 1
Do not bring your leather product to a deplorable state. If you see that the jacket is stained with something, take action. Wipe it with a soft sponge or cloth dipped in soapy boiled water. If you do not boil the water, the salt it contains will clog the pores of the skin and the consequences will be sad. Slightly soiled leather items can be cleaned with baby wipes and mild baby shampoo. Clean not heavily soiled leather with a cloth soaked in milk.
Step 2
You can remove the stain from the skin with talc and turpentine. Apply the mixture made from these ingredients to the stain, then press down with a piece of glass, placing a weight on top. After the skin is dry, wipe it with a dry cloth.
Step 3
Do not clean your leather with acetone, benzene, or similar solvents that will degrease it. Remove greasy stains with chalk powder, which should be left for a day in the place where the stain formed. If your favorite leather product is dull, wipe it with glycerin, it will help restore its original shine. Scratches can be removed with "liquid leather" matched to the tone of the product. The traces of a ballpoint or helium pen, remove with adhesive tape, then remove the rest with a coarse eraser. If you have damaged or badly stained your skin, it is better not to take independent actions, but contact a dry cleaner - they will not spoil your thing.
Step 4
If you want to clean your leather shoes, rub them with a special cream, after removing dirt and dust from the skin surface. Then treat the product with a product that will mask the resulting stains. Also, a special cream will repel water and dirt, thanks to which the shoes will look clean and well-groomed for longer.