Which Icon Cures Cancer

Which Icon Cures Cancer
Which Icon Cures Cancer

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Oncological diseases pose a serious threat to the health of the nation, because they annually claim the lives of many people, young and old. Surgery and radiation therapy are far from being a 100% panacea for cancer, so patients often turn to God for salvation. Many icons help to cope with an illness, but the most powerful among them is "The Tsaritsa".



Step 1

The icon, also called the Greek word "Pantoness", is located in the Vatopedi monastery, located on one of the shrines of Greece - Mount Athos. It dates back to the 17th century, and depicts the seated Mother of God in a red robe and the baby Jesus on the lap of the Blessed Virgin. In one hand the Savior holds a paper scroll, the fingers of the other are crossed in a blessing gesture. Behind - two angels protecting them from adversity. This "Tsaritsa" is the original image from which several copies were made, three of them are contained in the churches of Russia.

Step 2

The manifestations of miraculous power began with a legend about how a certain man with black thoughts approached the icon and began to whisper something indistinct. The face lit up with a bright light, and the warlock was literally thrown back. He himself admitted that he tried to conjure, and since then has vowed to practice magic. Later it was noticed that the "Tsaritsa" helps people who bowed before her in prayer, asking for deliverance from tumors. Healing is necessarily preceded by an ardent conversion of the afflicted and their strong faith in a miracle. After the spread of news about "Pantonesse" as a panacea for cancer, they began to make lists with her.

Step 3

The first copy, which became available to Russians, was made with the blessing of Archimandrite Ephraim, who in August 1995 arrived from the distant Vatopedi monastery as an accompanying one of the miraculous lists. It was written in compliance with all the canons for the glory of the Mother of God for the treatment of children with oncology. When the "Tsaritsa" was finished, inexplicable miracles began: the condition of the patients of the children's oncological center improved significantly. During holy holidays, the icon streamed myrrh several times and radiated a fragrance around it. And after the drug addicted young man was cured, parents began to come to her, praying for the healing of their child.

Step 4

The first list is kept in the Temple of All Saints and is periodically brought to the medical institution that gave rise to it. Every Monday a prayer service is held, during which the akathist to the Mother of God is read and the anointing of cancer patients is performed. There are two more copies of the miraculous icon in Russia. One of them is located in the Novospassky Monastery - it is hung with gold items, with the offering of which the recovered people thank the Mother of God. The third "Tsaritsa" can be found in the Vladychny nunnery, which has already recorded several dozen facts of her myrrh streaming, as well as cases of healing from cancer.
