There are several varieties of checkers in the world, and each of them has its own slight differences from the rest. There are general rules that apply to almost all varieties.

Step 1
The game is played on a board consisting of alternating white and black squares (or light and dark). Most types of checkers are played on an 8x8 board. You need to place the board so that the lower left square relative to each player is black (as in chess). Checkers move exclusively along black cells. In Armenian and Turkish drafts, you can walk in all cells.
Step 2
The initial position of checkers in most types of the game looks like this: checkers are located on the three lower rows for each player and only on black cells. The game usually starts with White, after which the moves alternate. If one of the players no longer has the opportunity to walk, the game ends, and the result is determined by the type of checkers on the field.
Step 3
Simple checkers move forward only one square diagonally if the square is not occupied (in Turkish and Armenian varieties, checkers move horizontally and vertically). If the cell in front is occupied by an opponent's checker and there is a free field behind it, a battle must take place. During a fight, the player's checker "jumps" over the opponent's checker, which is removed from the board. Having reached the last row, the checker becomes a king. In this case, it is turned over or another checker of the same color is placed on it.
Step 4
The queens move and fight also diagonally in any direction and on any number of squares (in Turkish checkers, the king can move vertically and horizontally, and in Armenian - horizontally, vertically and diagonally).
Step 5
In all varieties of checkers, it is not allowed to make a move when there is a possibility of a fight. If there are several such opportunities, any battle is selected. In some types of checkers, a fight (or one of them) is fought with the largest number of eaten checkers, while in others it is also agreed to “eat” the largest number of queens. When the king is fighting, one rule applies: if the king has the opportunity to cut down at least one more checker during the battle, the battle continues.