“As you tie a tie - take care of it! He is with our banner of the same color. The red pioneer tie has already sunk into history, but it still remains in the memory of many people who proudly wore it on their chest, treasured it and carefully kept it. The scarlet tie symbolized the continuity of three generations - pioneers, Komsomol members and communists.

It is necessary
- - scarlet silk fabric 60 x 60 cm;
- - red threads;
- - scissors.
Step 1
The pioneer tie is a semblance of a neck scarf, the ends of which must be tied with a special pioneer knot. In industry, a tie was made from acetate silk. Nowadays, you can use any silk fabrics that have a beautiful shine and flowing structure. For this, materials such as satin, silk, crepe satin, crystal are well suited. It is desirable to choose a shade of bright scarlet.
Step 2
If you spread the tie on a flat surface, then it will resemble an isosceles triangle, and the angle of the apex is obtuse, and not right, as it seems at first glance. In addition, Soviet-era products had sizes slightly different from each other - 61 × 61 × 95 cm, 60 × 60 × 100 cm.
Step 3
To make a tie, like a real pioneer, you need a 60x60 cm fabric. Iron the fabric and lay it on a flat surface. Fold the scarlet square in half diagonally and cut it in half. If necessary, one such piece of fabric will make 2 ties. As a result, its angles will be 90 °, 45 °, 45 °. Process the edges of the product with threads, always matched to the fabric. This can be done either with an overlock or with a regular sewing machine with a zigzag stitch.
Step 4
To bring the shape of the tie closer to the ideal, slightly modify the corners of the product. To do this, on a paper pattern or directly on the fabric in the area of a right angle, measure 3 cm on each side. In turn, connect each point obtained with a line with the end of the opposite sharp corner. The result is an isosceles triangle with an obtuse angle at the apex. However, it is important to consider here that a tie made according to such a pattern will have slightly beveled edges. This can make them difficult to process, for example, when overcasting with a zigzag seam, the edges will "wave".
Step 5
If there is no way to sweep a tie, you can simply hem the edges. In this case, make the double hem very narrow - no more than 4 mm, then the product will look neat.