Ann Blyth is an American actress, 1945 Oscar nominee. In addition, she is the owner of a personalized star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. And although Amy Blint has not starred for a long time, many moviegoers still remember and love pictures with her participation.

Early years and early career
Ann Blyth was born on August 16, 1928. When she was very young, her parents divorced. Ann, as well as her sister, stayed with her mother.
The future actress spent her childhood in New York. Here she attended a Catholic school. Also from early childhood, Anne studied opera and took part in children's radio shows.
In 1941, she made her Broadway debut - she played one of the roles in the drama Lillian Hellman "Watch on the Rhine" (1941). Ann played in this play for two years (in total, during this time it was shown 378 times).
After one of the performances, Ann Blyth was offered a contract with the Universal Film Studio. And pretty soon she appeared in the movies. The first films in which Blyth starred were called Demolition of the Old Quarter (1944) and Mary Monahans (1944).

The life and work of the actress from 1945 to 1957
A year after her film debut, Ann Blyth was expecting a major success. In 1945, the famous noir film by Michael Curtis "Mildred Pierce" was released. Here Blyth played Veda - a greedy and arrogant girl who literally torments her mother (her role was played by another film star of the Golden Age of Hollywood - Joan Crawford) with her whims. American film critics have praised Ann's work in this film very well. In addition, this work earned the actress an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor. However, she still did not have a chance to win in this nomination.

Anne had an accident shortly after filming Mildred Pierce. During her vacation at the Lake Arrowhead resort, she unsuccessfully fell and injured her back. The actress recovered from this injury for about a year and a half.
In the late forties, Ann Blyth had several more interesting roles. In 1947, she played the role of the gangster's daughter Sheila in Killer McCoy. The film became a box-office hit of its time.
Another striking film with Anne Pearce's participation is Jules Dassin's prison drama Brute Force (1947). Here she plays Ruth Collins, a woman suffering from cancer whose husband is imprisoned.
And in 1948, in the film "Mr. Peabody and the Mermaid" (1948), she played just a fairytale heroine with a fish tail. And although, according to the plot, this heroine was dumb, the audience remembered the actress's play. It is also worth noting that in 1949, Ann Blyth was portrayed as a mermaid in one of the Superman comics.
In 1951, the actress starred in the musical film The Great Caruso. Ann Blyth played here the role of Dorothy Benjamin, a friend of the Italian tenor Anthony Caruso.
In December 1952, a month before the next presidential election in the United States, Anne Blyth's interview was published, in which she stated that she was a supporter of the Republican Party and, in particular, Dwight D. Eisenhower. Subsequently, she expressed support for other Republican presidents - Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush.
In December 1953, Blyth ended her collaboration with Universal Studios and signed to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. In the same 1953, she starred in the film "All the brothers were brave." The actress appeared here in the form of Priscilla - a beauty, for whose love two whaler brothers are fighting …

Another interesting film from Ann Blyth's filmography is Slander (1957). The plot of this film revolves around the tabloid newspaper "True Truth", which spreads dirty rumors about the stars. Blyth plays Connie, the wife of Scott Martin, the creator of a children's TV show, who first achieved success, and then, due to an article that appeared in "True Truth," lost not only his career, but also his son …
On the whole, 1957 turned out to be quite fruitful for Blyth. This year, in addition to "Slander", two biopics were released with the actress - "The Story of Buster Keaton" (here Anne Blitt played the role of the young casting director Gloria Brent) and "The Helen Morgan Story" (here she played the main character).
Ann Blyth after leaving big for cinema
After 1957, the actress practically did not act in Hollywood, although she continued to work on television and in the theater.
In the sixties and seventies she had roles in the TV series "The Twilight Zone", "Burke's Justice", "The Heart of the matter", "Theater of the Makers of Suspension", etc.

On top of that, Ann Blyth was appearing as a typical American housewife during this time in Hostess commercials for biscuits, muffins and fruit pies.
In 1985, after filming one of the episodes of the series Murder, She Wrote, the actress ended her acting career.
But she did not disappear completely from the field of view of the media. From time to time, Blyth attended social events, participated in charity work. She is known to have provided assistance to organizations such as the National Committee of the Republican Party, the American Bible Society, the American Red Cross, etc.

Now Ann Blint is over ninety, and the general public knows little about her current life.
Husband and children of the actress
In 1953, Blyth became the wife of Dr. James McNulty, brother of the famous singer Dennis Day, who, in fact, introduced them. After her marriage, Ann Blyth began to devote significantly less time to her work.
She gave birth to five children from James: in 1954, the boy Timothy Patrick was born, in 1955 - the girl Maureen Ann, in 1957 - the girl Kathleen Mary, in 1960 - the boy Terence Grady, in 1963 - the girl Eileen Alana.
The couple lived together for over fifty years, until the death of James (he passed away on May 13, 2007).