How To Sew A Dragon Costume

How To Sew A Dragon Costume
How To Sew A Dragon Costume

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The year of the black water dragon is approaching, and the "dragon" theme in the carnival costume is becoming very relevant. However, a black dragon is too gloomy for a child's costume. A silvery dragon with bright black details will look great on a children's party.

How to sew a dragon costume
How to sew a dragon costume

It is necessary

  • - silvery fabric;
  • - zipper;
  • - black silk;
  • - mesh fabric;
  • - black braid;
  • - Velcro tape;
  • - synthetic winterizer;
  • - non-woven fabric.


Step 1

Take an old jumpsuit with a hood (the pattern consists of four pieces, two for the back and two at the front), open the seams, lay out the pieces and cut the jumpsuit out of silver fabric. Duplicate thin synthetic fabric with a cotton lining. Sew on the jumpsuit, insert the zipper, leave an un sewn section for the tail on the back, and on the hood for the comb.

Step 2

Cut out the three-pronged comb, the serrated tail, and the circle (tummy) from the black fabric, all in two. Lay the details with non-woven fabric, make the ponytail and tummy voluminous, laying them with a padding polyester. Stitch the details, sew a comb and a tail into the hood and back, the "tummy" will be fastened in front with two pieces of Velcro tape.

Step 3

Cut out the wings in the shape of semicircles from the mesh fabric. Determine the size of the wings by lifting the sleeves straight up and measuring from the elbow to the point on the side seam at elbow level when the sleeves are lowered. Make a carved edge at the wings, trim the edges with black tape, lay a few strips of tape from the armpit to the edges and across to get real dragon wings with membranes.

Step 4

Make the wings detachable so that you can wear the suit under your outerwear: attach the wings to the jumpsuit along the side seam and the sleeve seam with pieces of Velcro tape. Decorate the black details of the suit (comb, tail, tummy) with a silver rain of blue, green, yellow.

Step 5

Make slippers with claws for the dragon: take slippers with backs, duplicate the upper part with padding polyester, cut out the top and sides from the silver fabric, sew three parts of the slipper case. Cut six claws out of black fabric (two parts each), lay them with padding polyester, sew. Sew the claws to the silver case, put on the slippers, hand-stitch the case to the slippers.
