The main thing for any parent is that his child is happy and not too annoying. You can take him with a new toy, and for this you can make a slime yourself at home.

Every child is fond of various “fantastic” toys. One of these is slime. Its popularity came to us from the New World with the film Ghostbusters. In this film, there was such a character - a nasty greenish ghost. However, the children fell in love with him so much that they immediately wanted this for themselves.
How to make a do-it-yourself slime at home?
The easiest and most affordable way is to make a toy from soda and glue. To do this, a small tube of PVA glue is diluted in half a glass of warm water. In another container, mix water (½ cup) and soda (about the same). Then both mixtures are poured into one jar and mixed thoroughly. If desired, you can add a little coloring matter: from potassium permanganate to food coloring. As a result, the toy is ready, only it has a short shelf life and after a few days it will crumble.

Slime can be made on the basis of water with the addition of sodium tetraborate solution purchased at the pharmacy. Water is mixed with glue and pharmaceutical solution in one container. Then dyes are added to impart color. The glue is added until the mixture becomes more or less hard and elastic. The whole composition is thoroughly mixed and transferred to a bag. Next, knead properly and a beautiful and durable slime is obtained. It must be kept in a tightly closed jar and should not be played on the fleece.
In the process of making a toy, rhinestones or glitter can be added to it, as well as phosphorus to give a special glow and shade.

You can also make a do-it-yourself slime using shampoo or liquid washing powder. In principle, all methods are very similar, only part of the components changes in them.