Myrtle Tree: How To Care

Myrtle Tree: How To Care
Myrtle Tree: How To Care

Myrtle is one of the most spectacular and beautiful indoor plants that will harmoniously fit into almost any interior. In addition, it has good antibacterial properties and cleans the air from harmful substances.

Myrtle tree: how to care
Myrtle tree: how to care

Myrtle tolerates direct sunlight well and loves bright, diffused light. The plant has thick leaves that are reliably protected from burns. at home, the windows of the east, west and south sides are ideal for growing. On the northern windowsills, the plant will not have enough light, which will cause poor growth and various diseases.

The myrtle tree can be placed in the children's room, where it will purify the air and protect the child from colds. In addition, the plant will feel great in the kitchen, since the air humidity is high in this room. If you do not have this opportunity, try to regularly spray the myrtle tree or place the pot with it on wet moss or expanded clay. The plant can not only be sprayed, but also washed in the shower. After such water procedures, the leaves will become clean and shiny.

Myrtle loves fresh air, so don't be afraid to place it near open windows. In winter, try to keep the plant pot away from heating appliances.

Myrtle is loyal to the temperature regime, it feels good both in the summer heat and in a slight cold snap. In winter, the plant can be taken out to a warmed balcony, where the air temperature does not drop below + 7-10 degrees.

Water the myrtle abundantly and prevent the earthen coma from drying out. However, make sure that there is no excess moisture.

The substrate for growing myrtle consists of 2 parts of peat, 1 part of sod land and 1 part of leaf humus. Young specimens need to be transplanted every year, and adults - every two years.

In order for the plant to have a beautiful and lush shape, you need to pinch young shoots. When the myrtle grows strongly, pruning is done.
