Do you want a living symbol of love, peace and harmony, beauty and hope to grow in your home? Then myrtle is exactly what you need. This is an evergreen fragrant tree. Quite demanding on the conditions of detention, but if you treat it with care, then it will thank you with clean air in the apartment and beautiful snow-white flowers.

Step 1
The main problem of all gardeners who want to breed this plant at home is its wintering. For this time, he needs a low temperature, about 10 degrees, and minimal watering. But in any case, do not allow it to dry out. In case of inappropriate conditions during the dormant period, myrtle can shed foliage. Do not rush to discard the plant, at the end of February the leaves will grow. True, do not expect flowering this year.

Step 2
For good growth and development of myrtle, you need a bright, sunny place, but without direct sunlight. Fresh air works very well on him in the warm season. Myrtle is not indifferent to water treatments. Loves abundant watering and a warm shower, or at least regular spraying. The water should be warm and settled. From March to August, the tree must be regularly, 2 times a month, fed with mineral fertilizer for indoor plants.
Step 3
In the spring, after a dormant period, myrtle will require a transplant. You can transplant it into a special ready-made mixture or prepare it yourself. Its composition is 2 parts of sod land, one part of peat, sand and humus. There should be good drainage at the bottom of the pot. Make sure that the roots are spacious in the new home, they should not bend, and that the tree trunk does not sink into the soil. When the tree matures, an annual transplant is no longer required. An adult plant can grow in one pot for 3-4 years.
Step 4
Propagating myrtle is not at all difficult. You can do this with seeds, or with cuttings. The seeds are taken fresh, washed in a solution of potassium permanganate, dried and sown to a depth of 0.5 cm, covered with a film and placed in a sunny place. Then, after two months of regular watering and airing, shoots will appear. Grown seedlings are planted in separate containers. When they grow up a little, they need to be pinched so that the bush forms in breadth, and does not stretch out. In the fifth year, such plants will bloom with proper care. Self-seeding often appears in faded plants. It is even easier to propagate myrtle by cuttings. Cuttings are taken from the apical shoots with 3-4 pairs of leaves. They are rooted in a mixture of sand and peat under a plastic cup, periodically moistening and shading from the sun. As soon as fresh leaves appear, the shelter can be removed. After 2-3 years, the plant will delight you with flowers.