What To Do For A Florist In March

What To Do For A Florist In March
What To Do For A Florist In March

March is the first month of spring to kick off a new flower season. Right now it is necessary to sow many flowers for seedlings, see how perennials are stored, not to miss important events in flower beds.

What to do for a florist in March
What to do for a florist in March

In March, it is necessary to sow the seeds of annual flowers for seedlings. Sow such annuals as: ageratum, allisum, arctotis, aster, balsam, verbena, carnation, cobea, pelargonium, beautiful lobelia, snapdragon, petunia and others.


Perennial flowers can be sown on seedlings: delphinium, carnations, daisy, chrysanthemums and others. Some perennials require seed stratification: swimsuit, kermek, anemone, gypsophila, lavender, clematis and others.

The stored gladiolus bulbs and dahlia tubers are periodically examined and the sick are discarded. Storage temperature should be about 5 … 10 ° C. Some varieties of dahlias of foreign origin start to grow in March. Such upstart tubers are best planted in pots.

It's time for those who are engaged in Korean chrysanthemums to expose the queen cells for germination to obtain cuttings. The growing upper part of the root shoots is cut, 5..7 cm long. Cuttings are cut off with a sharp knife at an angle, the leaves are shortened by 1/3 and they are disinfected in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 15 … 20 minutes or processed in stimulants.


They are planted in prepared soil for rooting.

In March, in summer cottages near plantings, water can accumulate and stagnate due to melting snow. Dig grooves and drain the melt water away from the plants. This event is especially important for roses.

In warm weather in March, the shelters of the roses must be raised and ventilated.


If the bushes are covered with a film, then it is removed at this time. With a sharp cold snap, the shelters are returned to their place.
