"Self-folding tourist tent" - this name is well known to tourists, fishermen and hunters, many of them have already tried out the tent in field conditions and evaluated its quality in comparison with conventional models.

Features of the self-expanding tent
For the frame of a self-expanding tent, modern composite material is usually used. Having made a strong frame in the shape corresponding to the tent in the unfolded state, it is covered with a light and pliable waterproof cloth. Then the finished tent is folded due to the ability of the frame to bend, and is held in this state due to special fasteners. It is worth taking them off, and the tent independently, in the shortest possible time, will take a shape that allows you to use it for its intended purpose.
Light weight, convenient design and captivating ease of installation allowed self-expanding tents to quickly gain popularity among people who like to travel around the country on their own or often go to nature. Fishing enthusiasts in winter conditions especially love these tents, as they do not have to put a lot of effort to set them up, fighting the wind and working in the cold in heavy and not very comfortable seasonal equipment.
The capacity of the tents is optimal - 2-4 people plus things. Attempts to make the inner space of the tents more spacious have shown that at the same time their structure becomes much heavier, but loses its stability. Collapsible tents lose the ability to unfold independently, which actually destroys the main idea of the model.
Pros and cons of tourist self-expanding tents
What is inconvenient in a self-expanding tent model is its considerable size when folded: it looks like a circle of large diameter, and a modern tent of a conventional design when folded looks like a small oblong cylinder. However, the rather large dimensions of the self-folding tent do not really bother motorists - after all, it is not on their backs that they have to be worn, and the bulky old-style tents are far from forgotten.
Fans of winter fishing especially like these tents because they make fishing comfortable even in frost and wind. After all, it is enough just to put such a tent over the hole, and it will be much more convenient to fish.
There is one more positive and important quality of self-folding tourist tents - their low price compared to conventional tents. The attractive cost is due to the fact that the production of these tents does not require any particularly sophisticated technologies and expensive equipment.