Carp is a domesticated form of carp. As a result of active breeding, it spread throughout the country's water bodies, there are several of its main forms - scaly carp, mirror, naked. Due to the fact that it reaches a large weight - up to 15 kilograms and more - and is distinguished by its enviable strength, it is a desirable prey for many anglers.

It is necessary
- - tackle;
- - bait;
- - bait.
Step 1
Since carp is a strong fish and reaches a large size, special tackle is needed to catch it. The rod must be equipped with a reel with a line reserve of at least twenty to thirty meters. Depending on the size of the specimen you expect to catch, the diameter of the line can be up to 0.4 mm.
Step 2
Carp should be caught at a depth of at least 1.5 meters. In the morning and in the evening, he comes closer to the shore, during the day he keeps a sufficient distance from him. When fishing from the shore during the day, it is most convenient to use several spinning rods, casting the bait 20-30 meters. Hanging bells or small weights can be used as a gatehouse - for example, twigs cut from the end.
Step 3
The bite of the carp is unique and easily recognizable. Unlike many fish that quickly grab the bait, the carp sucks it, which is clearly visible from the movement of the gatehouse - it begins to rise and fall smoothly. Wait about half a minute, then, on the next ascent of the gatehouse, perform a sweep. Get ready for the fact that the caught carp will show very active resistance.
Step 4
Bait for carp fishing can be very different. Carp is an omnivorous fish, there are often cases when it comes across even on fry. But this is rather an exception, so carp are caught on vegetable baits, as well as on an earthworm, bloodworm, maggot, toothless muscle (shells). The bait should be large enough not to be picked up by smaller fish. Vegetable baits must be flavored with aromatic substances. Various oils, vanillin are suitable. Carp are not afraid of a bare hook, so the bait is often stirred on a short leash behind it. The carp first swallows the bait, then the hook.
Step 5
When fishing near the shore in the morning and evening hours, bait should be used. Just don't make it plentiful - it should attract the fish, but not saturate it. The bait can be mixed with sand, it is advisable to take it in the same reservoir where you fish. In this case, it will erode gradually, and the smell of sand from this reservoir is familiar to carp and will not scare them away.