Solving crossword puzzles captivates many, as it is a great way to spend time with benefits for the mind. Some crack them like nuts, and many find the questions difficult. In order to solve crosswords quickly and easily, you need to take note of a few rules.

Step 1
A crossword puzzle is a rebus of intertwined words. It allows you to expand your horizons in the field of science, culture, art, technology, and also opens up a rich world of Russian vocabulary. In addition, crosswords are quickly addicting, developing curiosity. The rules are very simple: one letter must be entered in each white cell. A series of questions suggests one answer that fits neatly into the numbered cells. The crossword puzzle ends, as a rule, with a black field or shaded cells.
Step 2
Experienced crossword puzzles always apply the elementary morphological rules of the Russian language. For example, every word has a vowel. The exception is abbreviations, which are considered "indecent" in crosswords. If the task says that the word is a plural noun, then it will most likely end in "and" or "s".
Step 3
From a logical point of view, if a word has more than 10 letters in it, then it will most likely end in "ttion", "nie" or "stvo". If you need to guess any science, then the most common ending is "logia". It is known that words do not begin with a soft and hard sign, as well as the letter "y", except for one exception - Ygyatta (a tributary of the Vilyui River). This word can be found in crosswords.
Step 4
Many begin to guess the crossword puzzle from those words that they know for sure, that is, all tasks are re-read in order and the machine fits into those in which there is no doubt. This is not entirely correct. It is best to solve the crossword puzzle in order, trying to remember everything. Of course, experience is of great importance here. You need to read more and keep up with the times. The wider the horizons and the more words in the head, the easier it is to solve crosswords. It should also be borne in mind that many words will be repeated. Experienced people already know the difficult words by heart and calculate them without even reading the task. You need to train gradually with simple crosswords.