In Japanese crosswords, not words are encrypted, but various images. To solve such a puzzle that develops erudition and logical thinking, it is necessary to reconstruct the picture using the numbers encrypted in the grid of the crossword puzzle. With a little practice, whole pictures will quickly emerge on an open field.

Step 1
Pay attention to the playing field. The picture will appear on empty white squares. To make it convenient for you to count their number, the grid is divided into identical squares. The values in the rows located in the column to the left indicate how many cells should be filled in a particular row. Several numbers will mean that in this line it is necessary to paint over several groups of cells, the interval between which must be at least one empty cell. The numbers located in the top header of the crossword puzzle are responsible for the columns of the playing field.
Step 2
Find a zero or a number in the table that equals the total number of cells in a row or column. Zero will mean that there are no cells in this row or column that you want to paint. In this case, feel free to put crosses in all cells. If you see a number that matches the total number of cells, this indicates that you can completely fill the entire row or column. Start solving the crossword puzzle with the largest values, using the selection method, determining how many cells will be painted over in any scenario. For example, in a row of 10 cells, you need to paint over 8 cells. Count 8 cells on both sides and paint over the ones that overlap. On the line with the values 4 and 5, the answer is also easy to determine. Count 4 cells to the left and paint over the last one. Do the same manipulations on the right side. Since there should be one empty cell in a row, its location in this example is beyond doubt: you can immediately mark the cell located between the two filled ones, and shade the rest.
Step 3
Solve the extreme rows and columns of the crossword puzzle to have guidelines for counting the values in the rows and columns, starting or ending in the already solved lines. Highlight each filled group of cells at both ends with a symbol that denotes an empty cell. Cross out the number corresponding to this group in the table after solving. Use a pencil to easily erase excess or incorrectly colored cells. As a practice, guess the simplest example that is offered to beginners.