How To Grow A Money Tree At Home

How To Grow A Money Tree At Home
How To Grow A Money Tree At Home

The fat woman or crassula is popularly considered a money tree. And it's not just that: there is an opinion that it can absorb the energy of a person's thoughts, which are aimed at increasing well-being, and translate them into reality. In addition, the fat woman will perfectly decorate any interior and will delight with her appearance.

How to grow a money tree at home
How to grow a money tree at home

In nature, there are many varieties of this flower. But fat women are especially popular for growing at home: tree-like (this is exactly the same money tree), spatulate, slimy and others.

Planting a money tree

In order to plant it correctly, for a start, they are determined with a container in which it will develop well. Since the root system of crassula grows throughout the entire thickness of the soil, and the outer part of the plant begins to grow only after the end of root growth, a wide and low pot is ideal for it.

The soil for planting is prepared in advance by mixing one part of fertile land, one part of sand and three parts of humus. You can also purchase succulent soil from the store. Drainage must be done under the fat woman. To do this, use fine gravel or expanded clay. First, drainage is poured into the pot, and then soil soil. Crassula does not like acidic soils, so a little wood ash is added to it.

For planting, use either small shoots of 7-8 cm, or already an adult plant purchased in a store. The shoots are placed in a dark place without water for a couple of days before planting, and then planted in pots. They should give the first roots in 1-2 weeks. After planting, the money tree must be watered.

The fat woman is transplanted no more than once every 2-3 years. This is due to its growth and weak root system. Over time, she can overtighten and drop the pot, so it is gradually increased.

Money tree care

This plant is very unpretentious and does not require any special care. The money tree is very fond of light, but it cannot be constantly under the influence of sunlight. In this case, the plant can get serious burns. A fat woman grows with temperature fluctuations from +5 to +25 degrees. The plant has no particular preferences in this regard. As for watering, in winter it is practically not worth watering the money tree, but in the summer it is better to do it 1 or 2 times a week. For feeding, use any fertilizer for cacti. The room where the fat woman grows must be regularly ventilated, and the leaves are wiped from dust.

In order to grow a real money tree in a room, it is necessary to remove side shoots from the very beginning of growth. When a crown is formed on top, and the bottom of the trunk remains bare, then pinch the top a little. As it grows, it will develop lateral processes, which over time will create the structure of the tree. There is no need to prune the tree-like crassula, it immediately grows in the form of a tree.

During the development of the money tree, certain problems may arise. And this is primarily due to pests. A spider mite or scale insect can affect the plant. In this case, the leaves become yellow-brown in color. The plant is sprayed with insecticides, for example Fitoverm, or wiped with an alcohol solution every week.

In addition to pests, improper care can destroy the money tree. Lack of light, waterlogged soil, too large a pot - these are the main mistakes when growing a fat woman. At home, this plant blooms very rarely. For this, the fat woman must live at least ten years.

The money tree is pruned in early spring. At this moment, the old shoots are shortened, and the new ones are pinched off a little.

It is believed that with the advent of the money tree in your home, a positive and friendly atmosphere will be established in it. Together with unpretentiousness, a fat woman should grow in every home.
