The "money tree", or the common bastard, is one of the most popular talismans for achieving financial well-being. Its scientific name is Crassula. For a fat woman to become a real "money tree", you do not need to buy it, but plant and grow it yourself.

The fat woman is a rather unpretentious plant with an interesting appearance. Only a healthy plant can bring prosperity to the house, so you need to take care of the "money tree" carefully.
Planting and caring for the money tree
The fat woman reproduces by shoots or cuttings, which must be kept in water for several days in order for the roots to appear. You can create a favorable climate for a small sprout by covering it with a glass cover.
Bearberry prefers soil versatile and slightly dried. If you are preparing the soil yourself, mix sod and leafy soil and add some humus or coarse sand. Take the pot deep and heavy. Before pouring the earth, fill the pot one-quarter with expanded clay or small pebbles.
The bearberry is watered as the earth dries up, but not overmoistening the soil, because from this its roots rot. Water for irrigation must be defended for at least a day. It is not necessary to spray the plant, it is enough to ventilate the room and wipe the leaves from dust.
You need to feed the "money tree" once a month during the period of active growth - from April to September. The first feeding after transplanting is recommended in 2 weeks, when the plant takes root. Use mineral based liquid fertilizers and apply only to wet soil.
In the heat, the "money tree" must be hidden from direct sunlight, because burns easily appear on its leaves. For uniform crown growth, it is recommended that the bearberry be turned towards the light in different directions.
Crassula needs a rest period from September to March. Place your money tree in a cool place and hardly water it. Once every 2-3 years, the "money tree" needs to be transplanted into a larger pot. This is best done in the spring.
How to avoid fatty diseases
Withering and shriveled leaves of the "money tree" signal an excess of moisture. In the cold season, excessive watering leads to the appearance of growths and a strong elongation of the trunk.
Root rot is another symptom of over-watering. In this case, the plant must be dug up, cleaned of rotten parts and transplanted into a new pot with clean soil.
If the tree stretches up too much, it does not have enough light. Discarded, darkened and discolored leaves signal insufficient watering or too cold water.
Due to the defeat of a fungal infection, brown spots appear on the leaves of the bearberry. If this happened to your "money tree" - treat it with an antifungal agent and ventilate the room more often.