A common superstition is that a child should not look in the mirror until he is one year old. Why have people long believed that mirrors are dangerous for babies, and how to protect your child from negative influences?

Why babies can't look in the mirror for up to a year
Small children have very weak energy protection, and the mirror is a powerful energy store. A mirror is a portal to the other world, and on the other side of the mirror surface there are evil forces that can negatively affect the health of an energetically immature child.
There is also a popular opinion among the people: small children see what adults cannot see. Looking at himself in the mirror, the child can, in addition to his own reflection, see the entities living in the Looking Glass.
Sometimes children are so scared that later they may even have problems with speech and mental development.
There is even a sign according to which one cannot even hang photographs of a child around the house until he is one year old.
Where you don't need to hang a mirror
It is not recommended to hang mirrors in the bedroom or in the private office. A person who is constantly next to a mirror weakens, his health can deteriorate sharply. Reflection begins to gradually take away the strength of its counterpart, who is in the world of the living.
An old mirror filled with negative energy can cause serious damage even to strong adults, but then what can we say about children? When babies first see their reflection in the mirror, many of them get scared and start crying.
What psychologists say
Child psychologists have a completely opposite point of view. Modern experts believe that the child even needs to show his reflection in the mirror. Babies quickly cease to be afraid if they begin to understand that their mother is next to them, who is also visible in the reflection.
This helps the baby to self-determine and quickly begin to learn about the world around him.
Of course, everyone decides for himself what to do, Someone believes in signs and observes traditions that have developed over the centuries, and some modern parents tend to trust child psychologists more.