The Magical Properties Of Stones And Minerals: Alexandrite

The Magical Properties Of Stones And Minerals: Alexandrite
The Magical Properties Of Stones And Minerals: Alexandrite

Alexandrite was first found in the Urals in 1842. For a very long time, alexandrite was considered a Russian stone. Then his deposits were discovered in India, Brazil, Tanzania and Madagascar. Alexandrite is capable of strongly changing its color in daylight and artificial light. The name of this rather rare gem was given in honor of the coming of age of Tsar Alexander II, who was then killed in 1881. Perhaps that is why many different signs and superstitions are associated with alexandrite.

The magical properties of stones and minerals: alexandrite
The magical properties of stones and minerals: alexandrite

The magical properties of alexandrite

Many synthetic alexandrites can be seen on sale. The price of this stone is quite high, which indicates the rarity of this unusually beautiful gem. It is believed that natural alexandrite is able to predict the future. If the stone begins to change color abruptly, then this means that the owner is expecting some significant events in his life.

Alexandrite is also called the "widow's stone". Apparently, such a prejudice is associated with the tragic death of the Russian tsar, in whose honor this stone got its name. According to this sign, one stone cannot be worn. It is necessary that in the ring, bracelet, pendant there must be at least two alexandrite.

Alexandrite is recommended for strong and confident people. A talisman with this stone will help you overcome all trials and achieve the desired results in your career and personal life.

It is not recommended to wear this stone to suspicious people who are prone to easily succumb to other people's influence. He is able to completely suppress their energy, make them lack of initiative pessimists.

The healing properties of alexandrite

This stone helps to cleanse the blood, normalize blood pressure, helps with vascular diseases and has a beneficial effect on the overall emotional state of its owner.

Earrings with alexandrite normalize the functioning of the pancreas, and wearing a ring with this stone helps to get rid of intestinal problems.

Which zodiac sign is suitable for alexandrite

Most of all, this stone is suitable for Gemini, Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio. For Leo, the talisman with alexandrite will help them achieve success and power, for Gemini it will bring good luck, for Scorpio - the fulfillment of their cherished dream, and for Aquarius it will give the gift of perspicacity.

The fire signs of the zodiac can also wear alexandrite, but Taurus, Cancer and Virgo are better off not messing with this powerful mystical stone.