Top 5 Items That Attract Failure

Top 5 Items That Attract Failure
Top 5 Items That Attract Failure

Not only by thoughts, actions or activities, a person can attract problems and troubles into his life. Very often, things in the house affect the energy in the premises, the fate of all family members. What items is it recommended to urgently get rid of if a "black streak" suddenly came in life, and relations with loved ones went wrong?

Old calendars attract bad events
Old calendars attract bad events

Most often, negative energy, poisoning relationships between people and attracting various failures, is concentrated in cluttered places. If you do not carry out general cleaning for a long time, keep old and often unnecessary things, literally live in chaos, then gradually problems will begin to appear in all spheres of life. At the same time, they will grow like a snowball, multiply and become more serious.

When things go wrong in work, relationships, and in life in general, this is an excuse to conduct an audit at home, select certain things, and then get rid of them. What objects do not belong in the apartment?

Old calendars

First of all, this applies to loose-leaf calendars. However, keeping at home and other calendars over the past years is strictly not recommended. According to signs and superstitions, it follows that such things can "take away" life and energy, strength. They can provoke the development of any diseases or maintain a negative atmosphere in the house if some negative events occurred in the year indicated on the old calendar.

In addition, you should always make sure that the correct day is highlighted on the calendar. No lagging or running ahead.

Broken clock

Many people know that leaving non-working hours in an apartment is a bad omen. Such things, even very memorable ones, cannot be kept in bedrooms and children's rooms, or carried with you all the time.

From the point of view of superstition and magic, a frozen clock (or a stopped digital clock) can predict death. If the clock is working, but constantly running ahead, showing the wrong time every now and then, then it is also recommended to get rid of them. Such "dances" in time attract not only troubles and failures, they make the life of a person and all family members "torn", unstable, too changeable.

You can not keep withered flowers at home
You can not keep withered flowers at home

Cracked dishes

According to signs, it is believed that cups or other utensils beat fortunately. However, the shards must always be thrown away. But you cannot store cracked products at home. Such items not only attract negativity, they also negatively affect financial well-being.

In no case should you drink or eat from dishes with chips or cracks. Otherwise, health problems, according to predictions and omens, will not be long in coming.

Death Energy Items

Such items include stuffed animals, photographs and paintings depicting the dead (not necessarily people), withered or dried flowers, and so on. If a "black streak" has begun in life, and misfortunes lie in wait at every step, it is recommended to throw away all things that have the energy of death.

In addition, you should not leave pots of plants and flowers at home that are constantly withering, despite proper care of them. By their state, flowers and plants indicate an abundance of negative energy, attract additional problems, and deprive them of success and prosperity. If you are very sorry to throw out your home plants, you can try to find a new home for them. Perhaps in another room and in other people, the flowers will come to life.

Small rubbish

Small garbage in this case means useless and unnecessary candy wrappers, checks, any notes, business cards and cards, old tickets and various small things that no one uses, but which are so sorry to throw away. Often, the abundance of such garbage attracts additional chaos into a person's life, violates harmony, and can cause quarrels and scandals in the family.
