How To Clean The Strings

How To Clean The Strings
How To Clean The Strings

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If you are fond of playing the guitar, then you probably noticed that after a while the sound emitted by the instrument becomes less and less sonorous. This suggests that the time has come to change the strings, but not everyone has the opportunity. Don't despair, there are several ways you can improve the sound quality and prolong the life of old strings.

How to clean the strings
How to clean the strings


Step 1

The degradation in sound quality is caused by dust and other dirt clogging up between the turns of the strings. Therefore, the best way to avoid this problem is to take constant care of the instrument.

Step 2

You can clean the strings with a regular dishwashing liquid (any grease remover will work). Unscrew the tuning pegs first and remove the strings. Then dab some detergent on a sponge or small brush and run it along each string several times. Remember to rinse them thoroughly with water. After that, you need to dry the strings with a waffle towel or cotton napkin. Never use terry towels, as this will create fluff on the turns, which will spoil the sound of the guitar.

Step 3

Make sure the strings are dry before pulling the strings back onto the instrument. If you need a guitar urgently, you can dry them with a hair dryer.

Step 4

In the event that you have not used a guitar for a long time and its strings are very dirty, then it is better to boil them, rather than wash them. Pour water into a small saucepan and then add one tablespoon of baking soda and a teaspoon of salt. Place the strings in the resulting solution, and the water should completely hide them. Leave the pot on the fire for two hours. Remember that this method is only suitable for metal strings, nylon strings will deteriorate from this. When you pull the strings on the guitar, carefully inspect them, the presence of traces of corrosion will indicate that they will soon break.

Step 5

The next method will not only clean the strings qualitatively, but also significantly extend their service life. You can find string cleaners in specialized stores. They often look like sponges soaked in a degreasing agent.

Step 6

The first two methods should be used to clean the strings only in extreme cases. To ensure that your instrument always sounds great, try to wash your hands regularly before playing, and wear your guitar only in a special case.
