Acorns are shaped like a fungus, they have an oblong fruit and a small cap. The main attention in the drawing should be paid to color, since acorns are painted in different colors in summer and autumn.

Step 1
Think about where exactly you want to depict the acorn - on a branch of an oak tree or lying on the ground. The choice of place depends on what colors you will paint these fruits, and whether you need to draw a hat, because ripe and fallen acorns often lose it.
Step 2
Draw an oval for the oak fruit. The size should be in harmony with the size of the leaves if you are drawing an acorn hanging from a branch. At the end of one shoot, up to 6-8 fruits can be located, but in most cases there are 2-3 of them. The length of the main part of a mature acorn is 2 to 4 cm, the fruits are oblong, but in some species they are rounded. The width of the oak fruit is about half its length.
Step 3
Select the fourth part of the oval, which is closer to the branch. Draw a fruit hat at this location. Its edges fit tightly to the fruit itself, and the shape is similar to the flattened dome of a church.
Step 4
Add details. On the head, depict small seals, at the point of attachment to the branch they are smaller, their size increases closer to the edges. They are arranged in rows, the order is similar to that of brickwork.
Step 5
Draw the pointed tip of the acorn. In some oak species it reaches several millimeters, in others it is only slightly marked.
Step 6
Remember that acorns grow on a single shoot, not where the leaves are attached to the branch. Reflect this fact if you are drawing acorns hanging from a branch or lying on the ground with leaves. In addition, for fallen acorns without caps, you need to draw a small circle where the cap was attached to the base.
Step 7
Start coloring the picture. Unripe acorns have a greenish tint, autumn ones are brown-nutty. Longitudinal stripes are clearly visible on the surface of the fruit, the shell itself shines, therefore it is necessary to draw a play of light and shadow on it. For the image of the hat, use gray, green and brown colors; by autumn it also changes color, but only slightly. Please note that it is matte.