In order to learn how to play a musical instrument, you must have a high-quality instrument, practice regularly, and also do not forget about musical literacy.

It is necessary
Musical instrument teaching materials
Step 1
Buy the tool of your choice. It is better not to rent an instrument or use equipment left over from grandparents, since every musical instrument has its own lifespan. Professional music teachers recommend starting training immediately on high-quality instruments, contrary to the general opinion that you first need to learn, and then acquire a good expensive instrument. The fact is that it is easier to learn with high-quality equipment, the sounds are produced correctly, distro is practically excluded, and there is also less risk of making mistakes. Cheap and old instruments can make the sound of poor quality and confuse you, questioning your playing ability.
Step 2
Buy exercise books or hire a private tutor. As a rule, aspiring musicians choose one of two ways - to learn to play on their own or to resort to the help of a professional teacher. Of course, you can learn to play yourself, and many famous musicians are so-called self-taught. In order to master the basics of playing your instrument, purchase textbooks with exercises, self-instruction manuals, download videos with examples of correct sound extraction. Over time, your level of play will increase, and gradually you yourself will begin to understand what elements of technique you need to pull up or learn.
Step 3
If you still have the opportunity to receive private lessons from a professional teacher, do not miss it. No textbooks will give you the correct individual course of study, they will not tell you about the nuances of the game, they will not notice your shortcomings and even more gross mistakes that can seriously interfere with your development. One lesson with a teacher will replace the long journey of setting up a self-study course for you.
Step 4
Learn musical literacy. Knowledge of the basics of musical literacy and subjects such as solfeggio, improvisation, etc. will help you quickly master the chosen instrument and intuitively develop in the right direction. Musical education helps to better understand the principles of playing any instrument, thereby contributing to quick learning and acquiring the status of a professional.
Step 5
Don't forget about exercise. You won't be successful if you don't do the necessary exercises regularly. Regularity and a planned approach to the study are the key to successful musical development. This does not mean that you definitely need to practice for several hours a day. In order to see the result, it is enough to exercise for 30-60 minutes several times a week.