How To Play A Gm Chord

How To Play A Gm Chord
How To Play A Gm Chord

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Digital chords are usually written in Latin letters. There are also Russian designations, but much less frequently. How to play a chord indicated by one or another letter of the Latin alphabet? This is the question that guitarists come across more often than others. In this case, the same sounds can be on different strings and different frets. The chord, which is written with the lowercase Latin letter g, can be played in different positions.

How to play a gm chord
How to play a gm chord

It is necessary

  • - determinant of chords;
  • - tablature.


Step 1

Remember which sound is indicated by the letter g or G. The scale begins with the note A, which in Latin is called A or a. Accordingly, g is salt. That is, the chord designated as G or g will be either a G major triad or a G minor. A tradition has developed to designate major in capital letters, and minor in lowercase.

Step 2

Think about what sounds come out in both chords. In G major it will be G, pure B and D. In the minor key of the same name, B flat is taken instead of pure B. These chords, like all the others, have inversions. They can be designated by 6 or 46 subscripts after the letter, but this is not always the case. Quite often, there is just a g or G icon, and the musician decides what it will be used in.

Step 3

The most common G minor chord is played at the third fret. The fourth and fifth strings remain open. The first, second and third can be squeezed with a small barre or with a middle, nameless or little finger. The index finger grips the 6th string at the same fret.

Step 4

A large barre can also be used. Pinch all the strings with your index finger. Press the 4th and 5th frets at the 5th fret. If it's still difficult for you to take a large barre, limit yourself to a small one. Clamp the first three strings in the same place, and with the middle or index strings, the fourth at the 5th fret.

Step 5

In the third position, another chord variation is possible. The positions are determined by the farthest fret on the left side that participates in the chord. Place all the strings with your index finger. With your little finger, hold the first at the sixth fret, and with the middle and ring fingers, hold the fourth and fifth at the fifth.

Step 6

There are several options for the fifth position as well. A large barre is placed on the 5th fret. The rest of the fingers in the first case clamp the first, third and second strings. Frets, respectively, sixth, seventh and eighth. The second method is a small barre, on thin strings the fingers are placed in the same order.

Step 7

Play the G minor chord in tenth position as follows. Place the barre on the tenth fret, on the eleventh fret, the second string, and on the twelfth, the third and fourth.
