How To Play The B Chord

How To Play The B Chord
How To Play The B Chord

Table of contents:


According to the Latin notation of the scale, the letter b corresponds to the sound B-flat. This means that a chord with the same designation found in digital codes is a B-flat major or a minor triad of the same name. Major is designated as B, minor - b or Bm. The first consists of the sounds B-flat, D and F. In a minor chord, the minor third comes first, then the major. Accordingly, instead of pure D, D flat is taken.

How to play the b chord
How to play the b chord

It is necessary

  • - determinant of chords;
  • - tablature.


Step 1

Construct a B-flat major triad from the sound and calculate where the sounds included in it can be on the guitar. The most convenient option is to use the barre at the first fret. Place your index finger across all the strings and grip them firmly. Hold the second, third and fourth strings with your pinky, index, and middle fingers, respectively, at the third fret.

Step 2

You can also pick up the barre at the sixth fret. In this case, the third string should be clamped at the seventh fret, and the fourth and fifth at the eighth fret. In the case of a small barre, four strings are clamped, and the two bass strings are not played. In this case, the third and fourth strings are clamped at the seventh and eighth frets, respectively.

Step 3

In the sixth position, you can play this chord without the barre. Place your index finger on the second string at the sixth fret, and hold the sixth string at the ring fret. Hold the third string at the seventh fret with the middle, and the thinnest at the tenth with your little finger.

Step 4

You can play this chord at the eighth fret with a large or small barre. The first and third strings close at the tenth fret, and the second at the eleventh fret. In tenth position, the barre of the tenth fret is completely closed, and the first, fourth and fifth strings are clamped, respectively, on the next frets.

Step 5

The Bm chord, aka b, is also found in digital codes quite often. The most convenient option is the first fret barre. In the most popular variation, hold the second string at the second fret, and the fourth and fifth at the third. The sixth position is also quite convenient in this case. At the 6th fret, a large barre is taken, and only the 4th and 5th strings are clamped at the 8th fret.
