The Am notation corresponds to the note A minor, usually in guitar playing. This chord is most often found in songs and is quite simple, therefore, it is usually with this chord that you start learning to play the guitar. There are several ways to play the Am chord. The choice of method depends on how you prefer and what sound you like best.

Step 1
The first method is the simplest and most common. To play an Am chord, place your index finger on the second string at the first fret, and with your middle and ring fingers on the third and fourth at the second fret. Hit the strings and listen to how loud they sound. If any of them is jammed, squeeze harder. From this position, it is very convenient to switch to the C, E and Am7 chords.
Step 2
For some tunes, you sometimes have to put Am on the bar. To do this, hold all the strings at the 5th fret with your index finger. After that, clamp the fifth string at the seventh fret with your ring finger, and the fourth in the same place with your little finger. Check if the strings are muffled. Playing the barre is a little more difficult than the previous method and requires a lot of practice so that you learn to play chords clearly, quickly and without pain in your wrist.
Step 3
Capo will help to facilitate your work. This is a special device designed to pinch all strings on the same fret. Set it on the 5th fret and pinch the 5th and 4th strings on the 7th with your index and middle fingers. However, despite the ease, this method somewhat limits the possibilities in playing the guitar, since you cannot constantly move it during one song and you will have to play the rest of the chords in higher octaves, closer to the deck.
Step 4
For heavy rock music, you can play chords using the fifth technique. When played this way, only the top three or four strings are used, which makes the sound loud and quite heavy. To play Am in fifths, place your index finger on the 6th string at the 5th fret, and the 5th and 4th strings with your ring and pinky fingers at the 7th. Now muffle all the other strings with the phalanges of the index finger, placing it on them, but without pressing. Slowly slide over the strings and listen: when correctly set, only the top three strings should sound.