How To Play A Bm Chord

How To Play A Bm Chord
How To Play A Bm Chord

Table of contents:


The bm chord is a minor triad. In Russian digital codes, the letter b stands for B-flat. In many Western editions, this letter corresponds to pure si. This circumstance must be taken into account, although in order to learn guitar accompaniment, it is necessary to master as many chords as possible. Therefore, consider both options.

How to play a bm chord
How to play a bm chord

It is necessary

  • - 6-string guitar;
  • - digital cameras;
  • - tablatures;
  • - the determinant of chords.


Step 1

Determine the position of the sounds B and B flat. They are on the fretboard side by side, and some of these chords can be played with the same fingerings by pressing the barre on adjacent frets. Think about how a 6-string guitar is built. Find the sounds of B and B flat on all strings. Calculate all positions. You can even sketch them by making your own tablature.

Step 2

Place a large barre on the first fret. Place your middle finger on the second string at the second fret, and with your ring and pinky fingers on the third and fourth at the third. It is very useful to remember the numbering of the fingers, for the guitarist it differs from the piano. The index finger is considered the first, middle, ring and little fingers - the second, third and fourth, respectively. Take the corresponding western digital bm in the same way, but place a large barre not on the first fret, but on the second. For Russian musicians, this chord is much more often referred to as hm.

Step 3

Learn a few more variations of this barre chord. Try pinching all the strings at the sixth fret with your index finger. In this case, the fourth and fifth strings are pressed down on the eighth. It is most convenient to play this version of the chord with the second and third fingers, but in principle, you can use the third and fourth. For western bm, move your index finger one fret closer to the resonator. Accordingly, the middle and unnamed should also move to the same fret.

Step 4

Barre can also be taken at the eighth fret. Place your middle finger on the first string at the seventh fret, with your ring finger on the third at the tenth, and with your little finger on the second at the eleventh. Keeping the same position, move your hand one fret towards the outlet. This makes a B minor chord. Barre lets you play almost any chord using the same finger arrangement. So try playing other chords by walking around the entire fret without changing the fingering.

Step 5

Try playing a chord without a barre. In this case, some of the strings will remain open. At the first fret, hold down the 5th string. This is most conveniently done with your index finger. At the second fret, squeeze the second and fourth frets, and at the third fret, squeeze the third
